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When I'm faded I forget what you mean to me...

Hope you know what you mean to me 

Hours had passed since you had left the coffee shop and Ji Ah was completely shocked, by what you had told her. She was also curious about what Yongguk had been doing those days, which he hadn't contacted you. Ji Ah's questions made you wonder about what Yongguk was hiding, if he actually was hiding something from you. 

"Do you think he's back with his girlfriend?" Ji Ah asked you.

You sighed and looked down on the carpet in her living room. "I don't want to believe that" you said.

"I know that, but he's a man after all. He might have some lingering feelings left for her. She was the one who hurt him and not opposite" Ji Ah said.

"I don't want to make him look like a bad guy" you said and looked outside her window. It was still pouring down and you wondered about where Yongguk was and what he was doing.

"You said that you saw his ex-girlfriend hold his hand?" you nodded at your friend sighed deeply. "Why would he even meet her?" you asked confused.

Suddenly your phone vibrated.

"He's calling again" you told Ji Ah.

"Don't pick it up"

You looked at the number of miscalls, he had left you many messages, but you didn't want to talk to him right now.

Another call came and you looked down on your phone and saw Himchan's name as missed calls. A message popped up and you opened it to read;

"The sushi will rot, please come back. I'm hungry" Himchan wrote and you sulked. You got another message "Yongguk is worried, please talk to him and listen to his part" and you shook your head.

"Let me guess, Himchan wants you to talk to Yongguk?" Ji Ah asked and you nodded.

"Do as I say. Ignore them. They are trying to get under your skin" Ji Ah said and you bit your lip lightly.

It became late, Ji Ah gave you a duvet and you rested on the couch. Your mind couldn't rest and your eyes were opening, you couldn't sleep at all and you groaned frustrated.

The clock was 3:23 AM

The couch felt hard as you lay on it and you couldn't help, but think about the time you saw Yongguk being kissed by a girl at the club. Even that day you left him alone and he came back to your apartment, he was drunk and sick that night. You started getting worried now, what if he got drunk again and sick. You let out a deep sigh.

A while passed like that and you finally got your jacket on, and left a note for Ji Ah. In the note you wrote that you went back home, because you couldn't sleep and thanked her for the talk.

It took exactly 20 minutes before you arrived in front of your building and you walked up the dim stairs to your floor and it was still pouring down outside. You exhaled heavily and you had a slight headache, from the crying and thinking. It was almost 3 am in the morning.

You heard someone cough from your floor and you froze for a moment, your hand gripped the bar on the stairway tighter. It couldn't be Yongguk, could it? You thought and walked up to your floor. 

Once you got there you stopped immediately and gazed at him surprised, he had curled himself into a ball and was leaning against your wall, with his head buried in his knee. He coughed again and you noticed that his hair was dripping with water. All of his clothes were wet.

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