Happy 1st Anniversary

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You had just changed out of your dress and into your nightgown. You pulled your hair into a bun and you were so tired. It had been a long. You quickly removed your makeup and washed your face. Your feet hurt from dancing in your heels.

It was almost 12 am and you lay in your bed. The room was really hot, because of the weather and you got up to open your window and it was raining outside. You took a deep breath and felt the air hit your face and it felt so refreshing. You took a deep breath and took your hand out and felt the rain drops fall on your hand.

You then went back to your bed and sat down. How were you going to sleep after meeting Yongguk and hooking up with him in the club?

Ugh, I'm so crazy. I can't believe what I did you groaned and turned around in your bed. Your cheeks flushed and you groaned. You wondered where he was right now and what he was doing. But little did you know that Yongguk just entered the building.

Yongguk hurried towards the stairs and to your apartment. His heart was beating rapidly. He didn't really know what he was doing, but he had to urge to be with you, to see you and hold you. He just couldn't leave you like that after what happened in the club. It wasn't the right way to part. He is a man of moral after all.

He finally stopped in front of your door and ran his hands through his hair as he thought to himself.

"What am I doing? I've gone crazy" he groaned and shook his head. It is too late to turn back, he had already argued with his manager and couldn't go back now.

He knew very well that this is against the rule. Despite the fact that the two of you had agreed to stay away from each other, until things were settled with his company, he was standing in front of your door. You already broke the rule and hooked up, so he might as well see you again.

Yongguk reached his hand in his pocket and found the key to your apartment. You had given him your extra key to the apartment long ago, because the two of you are very close. Besides he basically lived in your apartment, so he needed a key. You also had a key to his apartment.

Yongguk looked at the silver key in his hand for a while and took a deep breath. He just prayed that you weren't asleep already, because he had to talk to you. Yongguk got the key in the lock and slowly opened the door.

He entered your apartment and the lights were off. He took his jacket off, hung it on the coat rack, took his shoes off at the entrance and headed towards your bedroom.

You had just closed your eyes and you suddenly felt some cold hands on your body. You jumped up surprised and screamed.

"It's just me"

You heard Yongguk's voice and turned on for the bed lamp. Your eyes widened upon seeing Yongguk and you looked at him dumfounded. He was really standing beside you and you blinked at him. This isn't a dream.

What is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" you asked surprised.

Yongguk quickly leaned down to you and hugged you tightly. You shrieked surprised at his sudden move and froze for a moment. However, you closed your eyes and pulled him down to you and you hugged him back and as you did he fell down on you. He chuckled as he fell down upon you in the bed and he had his weight on you.

"I forgot to tell you something" he said and looked at your clock on your bed table.

It read 11:54 pm.

Thank god I made it before it was too late he thought.

"Happy anniversary" he said and crashed his lips on yours.

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