Don't Ever Leave Me

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Almost a month had passed now, since you left Seoul. The weather was cold and the wind was breezing as you walked down the streets of Ulsan. You had just done some shopping and the first snow fell. You looked up to the skies and it was white and the snowflakes fell down on your face.

You stopped up and felt the snow on your skin and took a deep breath. You wished you could share this moment, this day with Yongguk. You didn't want anything more than to be able to be back in his arms, to stay inside a warm blanket and relax with him.

You finally made it home to your apartment and placed your grocery bags on the kitchen counter. You sighed as you took off your jacket and scarf. Your cheeks and hands were red and cold from the cold weather.

You went to sit on the couch and you gazed out at the white skies, full of snow and you sighed. The view was so beautiful.

The train will be late for another 20 minutes, due to the heavy snow there has been some changes to the time tables

Yongguk sighed as he hugged himself. It was getting colder, but he didn't care, he would wait for that train for as long as it would take. He only brought along a bag, with a few clothes and important things in it. He didn't intend on staying in Ulsan.

He sighed as he waited, the long wait was almost suffocating. He just wanted to get to Ulsan now. Each second that went by felt like a waste of time.

He had one purpose, to bring you back with him, back to Seoul, where you belonged with him.

Hours had passed, with killing time and doing nothing. There was nothing on the television, nothing that could make your mind distracted. All you thought about was how Yongguk was doing and how the boys were.

You lay in your couch and dazed off and the kettle whined and brought you back to reality. You sighed and got up to make your coffee. Your head was throbbing from all the thoughts that were in your mind.

Hours later, Yongguk finally made it to Ulsan, he stepped out of the train and took out the letter with your address on it and read it. The apartment wasn't far from the station, luckily and he hurried off. 

His heart was beating faster as he got closer to you and he was getting more anxious. He didn't think much, before he bought the ticket and decided to go.

However he had to hear you out, see you. He just couldn't end it like this and he did not want an ending. He knew for sure that you didn't want this either.

You were cleaning up the kitchen and froze when the doorbell rang. Your eyebrows formed a crease. You knew no one from here, so who could it be.

You quickly dried your hands with the cloth and walked down to the hall to open the door.

You opened the door and the moment your eyes met his, your entire body froze. He was the last person you had expected to see here.

Yongguk was gazing into your eyes and the pair of you were quiet and your heart began to beat fast suddenly.

"Yo.. Yongguk.. what are you doing here?" you finally managed to ask and you couldn't hide the surprise on your face.

You looked at him and he quickly walked past you and entered the apartment. You stood for a second at the entrance and closed the door before you turned around.

Yongguk threw his bag and jacket on the floor. He had so many things to ask, but the second he saw you his mind just went blank. He turned his gaze towards you and he could just tell by the look on your face that you were having a hard time as well.

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