A New Friend

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My Mysterious New Neighbor

Chapter 84: A New Friend

There was a complete silence in the library, the silence made you focus on your project and you didn't get distracted by any loud students. You had left your school after your classes finished to study at the library.

You had been coming here frequently and you even found a nice and cozy spot near the windows. You had a great view of Seoul from here.

You glanced out whenever you needed a break to clear your mind with all the information your mind had achieved. At times like these you really thought your head would explode.

You sighed deeply and took a sip of your iced-latte. You straightened your posture and stretched your legs, still sitting.

Suddenly, you heard a thud and saw from the corner of your eye a bag fall onto the desk, next to you, making your body jolt at the sudden sound.

Your eyes naturally flickered up to see who was about to sit next to you, and you instantly tensed up in your seat, when you saw that familiar person. Those light brown eyes, dark hair and bashful smile.

"J-Jun?" You gasped.

"Hi, ___-ah, I actually did you find you in the library." Jun chuckled as he flashed his boyish smile at you, which you remembered clearly from the night in which you met him for the first time at the club.

It was odd to suddenly see him here as you had actually wondered about him. He gave off a good impression the first time you had met him.

Today, he wore casual clothes, and his hair was ruffled back. It wasn't neat like the first time you saw him, meaning it was gel-free hair.

He didn't have that hard and edgy look either that he had in the club. He wore plain denim jeans and a black hoodie. He looked like a simple guy.

"Do you mind?" He asked before he took the seat next to you, and you quickly shook your head.

"Of course not."

He smiled, pulled out the chair and sat down. You looked at him, still surprised that you found each other here, in spite of the fact that this library was very big. It must be fate. You couldn't help but to smile.

"How did you find me?" You asked.

"Just saw you from behind." He smiled, and you nodded.

"I see." You mused, and he grinned.

"I am not a stalker." He quickly said, and you laughed.

"How have you been Jun?" You asked.

A smile slowly spread on his face. He grabbed his backpack and took his MacBook out. "I've been well, just a lot busy with exams." He sighed at the latter part.

Then his eyes wandered to your papers that flooded at your desk and he chuckled to himself. "I see that you are in the same place as me."

"Yes, sadly, I got an exam too." You sighed.

"I feel you." He said with a sad look, but you smiled, nonetheless.

"How's your friend Ji Ah? I haven't seen her since." Jun said.

"She's doing well too, thank you." You said with a smile and he nodded. "Glad to know."

"So, what is your exam about?" You asked.

Jun delved into explain a lot of complex things about his studies, which were out of your field. You had to praise him for being so brainy, but he simply smiled.

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