Secret Date (Part 2)

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The make out made you flush and warm inside. You mentally cussed yourself, because you didn't want it to stop and you were quite frustrated right now. Yongguk was walking beside you and he didn't look at you.

"Excuse me!!"

The both of you stopped, when you suddenly found the waitress from the cafe you just left from come running towards you and calling out the pair of you. Your heart skipped a beat, because why did she come after you?

You feared that in any moment she's going to take out a pen and ask for Yongguk's signature or say something else and a crowd will show up because of her. Yongguk looked at her questioning and she finally stood in front of the pair of you and she panted from running.

"What's the matter?" You asked her and you thought she might have recognized Yongguk despite the fact that you wore masks.

She suddenly smiled brightly and reached her and in her pocket and your brows furrowed.

Oh no she's going to take out a pen now your insides screamed.

"You forget this" she said and pulled out a black leather wallet.

You saw it and sighed relieved, it was Yongguk's wallet. You had imagined the worst thing and quickly took the wallet from her hands. "Thank you so much! And I'm sorry for the trouble" you said and handed Yongguk his wallet.

The both of you were in such a hurry and left the cafe, so Yongguk must have forgotten his wallet on the table. The waitress smiled and shook her head.

"It's okay" she smiled and hurried back.

Once she was out of your view both of you sighed relieved.

"I couldn't feel my heart for a second" Yongguk said surprised and then he laughed at the situation.

However you groaned, because you got so scared and you didn't know what to do if she recognized Yongguk. You really had no idea as to what to do if she knew Y ongguk.

"Ah! Yongguk it's not funny I got so scared, what if she found out who you were and came to get an autograph or something" you talked so fast, because you were nervous "then a whole crowd would show up because of her.." you added and got silent at the thought, because it really scared you.

Yongguk noticed your expression change and the fear in your eyes. He instantly grabbed your shoulders and made you look into his eyes.

"That won't happen.. We are careful" he said whilst looking into your eyes "and besides I'm just a rookie, I haven't even debuted yet with the group and I'm not that known" he added and smiled.

You sighed and looked down and your mood was almost ruined. Yongguk groaned at this whole situation and grabbed your chin and tilted your head up so you could meet his gaze. You gazed into his eyes with your lips pursed and he suddenly pressed his forehead on yours and spoke in a very soothing tone.

"I love you please don't ruin your mood because of this little thing. Nothing happened and I won't let anything happen to you nor us okay?" he said and stroke your cheek.

You nodded and touched his hand, he gave you a quick peck on your lips and you flushed.

"So what should we try next?" Yongguk asked and he tried to get the good mood back and you shook your shoulders.

"What about the Gyro drop? Should we try that?" he asked.

You gapped at Yongguk, because he wanted to try the tower drop and those were one of the scariest. He chuckled when you became silent.

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