Chapter 8

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"Uncle Quincy, can you turn on the air?"Elias whined fanning himself.


"Because it's hot in here"

"Then close your mouth"My dad said making me and Thea laugh.

"Shut up! My breath not even hot"Elias said checking his breath.

"Can we get some food quincy?"Thea said making me look at her like she crazy.

"You just ate at the house"My dad said.


"And you better starve because I'm not stopping anywhere"He said making Thea pout.

"Stop that, it's not a cute look for you"Elias said making her pull his dreads.

"Ow! Stop that"He said grabbing a hold of her hair.

"Y'all need to stop before I put y'all out"My dad said but they ignored him. He immediately stopped the car making them fly forward. I had on my seatbelt so I was good.

My dad got out the car and he grabbed Elias and Thea by their ear and dragged them out the car.

"I told y'all to stop now find your own way home"He said and Thea's eyes went wide.

"Please Quincy. That's a long way"

"Maybe if y'all listened-"

"Dad just let them in the car, they not gonna fight anymore"I said and he nodded. They quickly got in the car and we drove off.

"Oh shi- I mean sugar honey iced tea"He said catching himself because he's not suppose to curse around us.

"What's wrong?"

"There's someone following us"He said quickly turning right. I looked behind me and a truck was coming our way.

"What are we gonna do?"Thea said frantically.

"First you need to put on your seatbelt sand then lea-"He got cut off by something hitting the side of the car. The car started flipping over and I heard Thea screaming. Her and Elias were flying all over the car because they didn't have on any seat belts. We flew off the bridge and I was just waiting for impact. We hit the ground and I groaned in pain when something landed on my leg. I stopped hearing Thea and I got worried. The car had landed on its top. I looked over at my dad and he was looking at me. We turned around and Elias and Thea looked a bloody mess.

"Do you think their alive?"I asked.

"I don't know but we gotta get them out that car"He said and I nodded. He pushed opened his door and I did the same. I got out the car and tried to stand up but my leg was giving out on me. It was all bloody and I could barely walk on it because of he pain.

"You good"He said coming over to me. He had a cut on his forehead that was bleeding and his arm was bleeding.

"Yea, you good"I said and he nodded. I helped him open the door and we pulled out Elias and Thea. My dad checked their pulse and I looked at him worriedly.

"Their still breathing but won't be for long"He said and just on que the ambulance arrived.

"Their not breathing. Take them first"My dad yelled and they nodded. They put them in two separate ambulance and I got in with Thea and my dad got in with Elias.

We made it to the hospital and they rolled both of them out and took them to the emergency room.

"Oh my gosh! Are they ok?"I heard my mom yell coming in with tears down her face.

"Where is Elias?"Jazmine asked.

"Their in the emergency room"I said.

"What happened?"My mom asked.

"Someone was following us and then another car hit us from the side making us flip over and go over a bridge"My dad said and my mom started crying harder.

"I hope their ok"Jazmine said trying to hold in her tears.

"Where's my daughter?"We heard a man yell. I looked over and it was some Hispanic man.

"What are you doing here Andrew?"My mom said.

"What happened to my daughter?"He yelled at her.

"Yo! Cut that out because you not gon yell at my wife like that but someone was following us and then another car came crashing into us making us flip over"My dad said.

"She wasn't supposed to be in the car"Andrew whispered to himself thinking no one heard him but I definitely did. I got up and punched him in the face.

"How could you set this up? Now look where my sister and cousin are"I yelled and everyone looked at us in shock.

"This was your fault. How could you do this?"My mom yelled walking towards him but my dad pulled her back.

"There's nothing we can do now but just know I'm coming for you"My dad said walking off with my mother.

2 hours later........
My leg got fixed up because I sprained my ankle so I have a cast on it and my dad has on a arm cast because he broke his arm.

"Family of Elias Montgomery and Thea Sanchez"The doctor called.

"We're here"Andrew said.

"We did emergency surgery on them and Elias is stable"

"What about Thea?"I asked.

"She's gonna need a blood transfusion because of the amount of blood loss. Since she is a female, she will have a higher risk because females have a smaller volume of blood"He said.

"I'll do it"My mom said before Andrew could get a word in.

"Ok ma'am, follow me"He said. My mom came back 10 minutes later with tears falling down her face.

"She doesn't have the same blood type as Thea"The doctor said.

"I'll do it"Andrew said. He followed the doctor and they came back.

"He doesn't match her blood type and there was something else"The doctor said.

"What is it?"My mom said quickly.

"Andrew does not match the same DNA as Thea"

"So he's not her father"I said and the doctor nodded.

"I will gladly donate blood and can I get a DNA test on Thea"My dad said and the doctor nodded. He followed him and my dad came back 20 minutes later with a big smile on his face.

"What did it say?"My mom asked.

"I'm Thea's father"

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