Chaptet 22

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🖤Mercedes Smith🖤

"I swear to you she's in good hands. I won't let anything happen to her"I told Quincy.

"I trust you slightly"He said.

"You better not hurt my daughter or I'll personally put a bullet through your head. I'm still rethinking about Jesse"Jayda said.

Thea came downstairs with a black puma jacket on with a white T-shirt underneath and black jeans with the new all white Kylie Jenner pumas. Her hair was straightened and it had a N. W. A hat over it.

"Boy! She said she was ready"Quincy yelled smacking me over the head making Thea laugh.

"Oh.....uh let's go"I said grabbing her hand gently and leading her out the house.

"Where are you taking me?"She asked as we went over to my motorcycle.

"I can't drive until a few months when I get my license. So my bike will do"I said avoiding her question. I had turned 16 a few months ago.

"Yay! I finally get to ride on one of these"She said excitedly.

"Well I'm glad I'm your first"I smiled slightly but made sure she didn't see it. I handed her a helmet and helped her put it over her head.

"But seriously. Where are you taking me? I know you hate me"She said making me frown. I was actually taking her on a date but she didn't know that except her parents of course.

"I don't hate you"I said getting on the bike. She got on behind me and I grabbed her hands wrapping them around my waist.

"You don't"

"Tighten your arms around me"I said and she tightened them but a lil to tight.

"Too tight"

"I'm sorry"She giggled loosing them a lil. I started the bike and drove off. I could hear her giggling the whole ride making me smile and feel happy on the inside.

I don't know what I feel for her. But she just makes me happy. I always like to see her smile and I always wanna cheer her up when she's sad. Take care of her when she's sick and shoot whoever messes with her. Just be there for her. But I'm just not good at showcasing my feelings. I like to keep to myself and be closed off so no one would hurt me.

I stopped my bike when we got to our destination. I got off the bike and then helped her off.

"Are you gonna kill me?"She chuckled nervously looking at all the trees that surrounded us.

"Nah! My old house is over here. No one lives there so I come here time to time"I said making her nod.

I grabbed her hand and led her to my house. I opened the door with the key I stole from the landlord and we walked in. It doesn't really matter because she never comes here so I wouldn't get caught.

"It's nice here. I'm guessing you clean it up"

"Of course. This is where I grew. I couldn't just let it go like that"I said looking at the nicely clean house.

"So you do have a heart?"She smiled.

"Shut up"I said glaring at her making her laugh.

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