Chapter 36

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"We have a pulse. Take him immediately"The paramedic yelled after he checked Mercedes pulse. I quickly got up and followed them into the ambulance.

"I'm gonna meet you there Thea"My mom said and I nodded as the paramedic closed the door.

"Is he gonna be ok?"

"I don't know ma'am, he's losing a lot of blood"

"Please try. I can't lose him"I said as more tears fell down my face.

"We're trying our best ma'am"She said putting a oxygen mask over his mouth.

I gasped as he jumped up and down moving erotically.

"He's having a seizure"She yelled making my heart pound. I blocked out everything they were saying and then I seen her inject a needle into his heart making him stop move.

"Is he ok?"

"I don't know. We're almost to the hospital. He at least has a pulse"She smiled lightly making me cry harder.

We finally made it to the hospital and they rolled him inside. I followed until they told me I couldn't go inside the surgical room. I sat down in the waiting room with my head in hands as tears poured from my eyes.

"Thea!! Are you ok?"My dad asked as he walked towards me with my mother.

"Y-Yes I'm fine"I stuttered wiping my tears.

" poor baby"My mom said coming to me and holding me.

"I don't want him to die mommy. I love him. I already lost Mekhi, I can't lose him too"I cried out as she tried to calm me down.


It's been five hours and the doctors finally came out to talk to us.

"We have some good and bad news"Dr. Reynolds said.

"What's the good news?"I asked.

"He's alive and stable"

"Then that's great"I smiled brightly.

"What's the bad news?"Mercedes mom asked.

"He's in a coma"He said making my heart drop.

"How long is he gonna be in a coma?"My mom asked.

"We don't know how long. It could days, weeks, months, even years. It all depends on when he wants to wake up. We have him on a feeding tube and we're helping him breath"Dr. Reynolds said smiling like it was all ok.

"H-How did he get into a c-coma?"I stuttered out as more tears threatened to fall.

"The seizure that he had in the ambulance kinda forced him into one"He said and I nodded.

"Can I see him?"I asked and he nodded. I followed him up to Mercedes room and I sat beside him. My baby looked so peaceful except the tube being in his mouth and the IV's running in and out of his body making me tear up.

"He's gonna be fine honey"His mom said rubbing my shoulder. I shrugged her off because I wasn't feeling her right now after everything she put my baby through.

"I have to go. I hate seeing him like this"I said standing up and going over to Mercedes.

"I love you Mercedes. I will avenge you and my brother"I whispered into his ear and then kissed his forehead.

"Bye Ms. Smith"I said and then walked out.

"Where are you going Thea?"My dad asked.

"Give me your phone"


"Just give me your phone"I yelled and he gave it to me. I called one of my dads friends that help find people and called him up.

"Are you sure? Jesse Figueroa"

"Yes I am sure"I said and then hung up.

I walked back over to my dad and gave him his phone.

"I'm going home"I said and then walked away.

"I wanna go home"I told my guard Angelo.

"Right away Thea. And I'm sorry"He said sincerely as I followed him to his car.

"It's fine. It wasn't your fault"I said as he opened the door for me.


"I found him Thea"

"I'm already here. You can leave"I said and then hung up.

I walked inside the warehouse and went straight to the room that held Jesse.

"T-Thea"He stuttered out. I smiled wickedly at all the bruises on his body. But he doesn't have to worry, worse will come.

"You thought you would get away with shooting my boyfriend"I said picking up a knife and slamming it right into his thigh making him cry out in pain.

"And killing my brother"I yelled turning the knife.

"I-I'm s-sorry T-Thea"He stuttered out trying to remove his hands from the ropes.

"I want you to name all the girls that you sent after me that day when I went to that house party"


"Now!!!"I yelled digging the knife deeper into his thigh.

"Ok! Ok! Ok!"He yelled looking at me wide eyes.

"Maya Lee. Sya Anderson. Mika Andrews. Tonya Malon"

"Who hit me over the head with a bottle?"

"I-I d-don't k-know"

"Tell me!!!"I yelled digging the knife deeper.

"I-I r-really d-don't k-know"He stuttered out in pain.

"See ya later Jesse"I said taking the knife out and kissing his cheek.

"Clean him up. NOW!!!!"I yelled and all of my dads men scurried over to Jesse.

I washed my hands in the bathroom and then walked out the warehouse.

"You sure you wanna do this"Angelo asked as I got in the car.

"I'm sure. I'm so tired of this boy and I want him to suffer"

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