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"If you could just sign this." The house removal man handed me the papers to sign. "Have a good rest of the day sir." He smiled and I thanked him for his help.

I shut the door to my new apartment and stared at the empty room. This was my new home now. It's my first time living without anybody to help me and I feel great. I finally feel like the independant person I've always wanted to be.

Moving from my dorm at NYU to a new apartment in LA was a lot of effort. Everyone was wishing me good luck at my new university whilst I was packing up boxes and when we left the building, I felt an entire weight lifted off of my shoulders.

NYU was what I thought was my dream school but I was wrong. I got into the wrong crowds and ended up getting into a lot of trouble. I was fined four times and arressted twice, it's crazy to think how much I had changed from when I started to this very moment. It's like I did a full 360 and I was glad I got out of the problems I was faced with.

I spoke to my mum, telling her how I wanted to go back to how I was before and she gave me the idea to move. So I looked around for a different university and stumbled upon CSUN. I've never been to LA and I figured it would be a great way to start fresh.

The school offered a great sports program and I didn't know anyone, so it was the perfect place to start clean. Classes would start on Monday and it was currently Saturday, so I had two days to unpack most of the things in these boxes.

As I was going through my third box, I heard my phone go off. I rummaged around for it and found the small device, my mother's contact lit up on the screen. "Hey mum."

"Hello Harry, how's everything going?" I smiled at her calming voice. My mother was someone dear to my heart and I couldn't handle my life without her. She helps me through everything no matter how much of a prick I am. 

"Everything's great. I'm going through most of my boxes and stuff and classes start on Monday." I explain, walking into my bare kitchen.

"That's good. I was just calling to see if you were okay." She tells me.

"I'm fine Mum." I assure her.

"Remember why you moved in the first place, Harry." She says, a serious tone in her voice.

"I know. I'm not going back anytime soon." I sigh.

"I'm proud of you Harry." I smile at my mum's words.

After talking for a while longer, I end the call and go back to unpacking the boxes.


Before I know it, Monday comes around. My alarm goes off and I get out of bed, walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Afterwards, I take out my black, skinny jeans and a plain, white v-neck. I put on my white, beaten converse and walked into the kitchen. I spent yesterday morning going food shopping. It was terrible and I ended up knocking down a stack of cereal boxes with my cart.

I made a bowl of cereal and gathered my things together, before locking up my apartment and leaving to go to my new school.

I parked my car in the small parking lot and cut the engine, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I was somewhat nervous about starting new. Not knowing what would be coming my way was something I struggled to come to terms with as I liked having control over many aspects of my life.

I walk up the steps and make my way to the front desk. "Hi I'm Harry Styles and I'm a new student here." I introduced.

The old woman peered up at me and sighed, typing something into her computer. She handed me an information leaflet and a pack with my name on it. "That's all of the information you need. There's a map in the leaflet and a student ID badge." She explained. "Enjoy your first day." She didn't look up from her computer so I muttered a thanks and walked away to find my first class.

I walked down hallways and saw a few people look at me but no one really cared considering it was university and nobody really knew everyone.

I find my classroom and see two people standing in front of the door. One of them had raven, black hair and light brown eyes. He had tan skin and was quite built and tall. The other was blonde and had blue eyes. He was shorter than the other guy and wasn't as built but still looked quite muscley.

"Um hey, is it alright if I could get to my class." I say pointing to the room. Both lads turned to look at me.

"The professor isn't here yet so we have to wait outside." One of them says.

"Ah okay." I nod and go back to minding my own business.

"You're new aren't you?" The blonde one asks.

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckle.

"Well we've never seen you in this class before or around here. I'm Zayn and this is Niall." They smile.

"Harry Styles." I smile back.

"What brings you to LA then Harry?" Niall asks.

"Well I used to go to NYU but kind of got into the wrong crowds and ended up getting into some... problems. I wanted to come here to start fresh and try and get away from all that." I tell them.

"You seem like a cool guy." Zayn says as people enter the classroom.

"Thanks...I guess." I stutter.

Eventually, the professor walks up to the door, "Sorry class, I got held up in a meeting." She smikes. We walk into the classroom and I find a seat near the back of the class, Niall and Zayn sit nearby with a girl who looked slightly similar to Zayn.

As the professor is about to talk, the door opens and in walks a girl. She has light brown, wavy hair with blonde highlights and is quite short maybe around 5ft 3. On her skinny figure she's wearing grey, ripped skinny jeans and a white, umbrella sleeve top and she has black vans covering her feet. But what caught me off guard the most, was her piercing crystal, blue eyes that could light up a whole room.

She was beautiful.

"Sorry I'm late miss." She smirks at Zayn and I look at him as he shakes his head. Is that his girlfriend?

"This is the third time you've been late since you've joined my class Miss Rose." The teacher snaps but the girl just walks away without even caring. I watch her every move as she sits down on the other side of Zayn.

She sits down on her seat and puts her bag down. I can't take my eyes off of her. She looks up and our eyes meet for a second. The same smirk that she came in with, lingers on her lips. Her tongue pokes out of her mouth and runs on her bottom lip before she turns away.

All I'm left wondering is who she is and a want to get to know everything about her.


I am so excited about writing this fanfic!

Okay so, I know I said that I would put up a new fanfic if I got my first one to 1k reads and guess what...


I'm so thankful for all the people who have read it and I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm really happy to start writing again and I have big plans for this story...

I just want to say a few things:

1. This is fiction so it's not real. Don't believe everything you read.

2. It's set in America and Harry is the only person from England. The other boys are all American.

3. I know Barbara Palvin is taller in real life but I wanted her to be shorter, remember it's just fiction.

4. There is no smut in this but just because I don't write about it doesn't mean they don't do it in there relationship.

I love the story line for this and I really hope you enjoy reading it!

*Please Vote, Comment and Share*

-Chloe xx

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