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Today was a Saturday and the first weekend I've had since moving here. I still have a few boxes left to unpack from my apartment so I decided I would spend my day unpacking the rest of my things.  I also had an essay to do so I figured I would do that as well.

I got out of bed and walked into my kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the small, worn out couch. I took out my phone and went through a few of my unread texts before scrolling past my first text from Niall.

It was Olivia's number.

Ever since we spent the evening strolling along the beach, just talking about random things, my feelings for her have been developing. Not only is she beautiful but she's got quite the personality too.Sometimes she can be very closed off but I'm hoping I am going to change that and get her to open up to me.

I sat there, looking at the digits on the screen, wondering if I should send her a text or not but before I could stop myself, I typed in a quick text and hit send.

Me: Hey

After staring at my text on the screen for some time, I shut my phone off sighing at the lack of response.

I walked back into my room and opened my curtains, taking in the warm LA sunlight. Since it was a nice day, I decided to go for a run which I hadn't done in a while. I got dressed into some Nike shorts and a white gym shirt and put on my black trainers. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone, playing Rolling Stones and walking down to the lobby.

Once I stepped out into the warm, fresh air, I started running, not knowing of where I was going. I ran a long the sidewalk, dodging the people walking by and listened to the steady tunes playing in my ears.

Eventually, I came to the park and decided to run through on the pathway. I ran across the road and started running along the path that goes through the park. I nodded my head at some of the other people running by.

My eyes caught a playground and some of the children playing and screaming, until they fell upon the familiar brown locks. My eyes widened when I saw Olivia, playing with a young girl who had very similar features to her from what I could see. Her hair was curly and blonde, she had big blue eyes, just like Olivia and a cute button nose. She wore a cute denim skirt, white tights and a sparkly, pink shirt and she looked at least two or three. I'm guessing she's probably her little sister.

I walked up to the playground and smiled as Olivia started chasing the little girl round, both of them giggling. "I'm going to catch you!"

"No, No!' The little girl squealed and Olivia ran up behind her and picked her up, lifting her up into the air. My smile got bigger as I watched Olivia interact with the small girl.

"Hey Olivia!" I waved at her and her eyes widened, a look of worry washing over her.

"Urm, hey Harry." She said, looking anywhere but at me. "Bella why don't you go and play on the slide." She pointed at the small slide by the swingset.

The little girl, who's name I discovered was Bella, nodded and ran towards the slide. My attention turned towards Olivia, who still looked slightly off. "I haven't seen you since the beach." I say.

"I've been a bit busy with school work and stuff at home." She tells me, fiddling with her fingers. It's quiet for a while between us and I wonder why all of a sudden she's so uneasy.

"I sent you a text this morning." I speak.

"How did you get my number?" She quirked her brow.

"Niall gave it to me." I blushed and I saw the corners of her lips turn up.

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