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I've been pacing around my room for hours. Marie was out with Bella leaving me with my own thoughts and all that could happen on this date.

My emotions are all messed up. I know I shouldn't be letting Harry in on my life but I really want to live normally. I've liked Harry for some time and I'm glad he got the sign when I told him about going on a date but at the same time I'm nervous.

Trusting is a difficult thing for me and the only people I confide in are Lorrie, Marie, Zayn and Niall. I know they can keep my secrets like how they've kept them from Harry. I've opened up to him in most ways faster than I have with anyone else and it scares me. I'm scared that I'll get too attached and he will be brought into the whirlwind of my life.

This date could officially mean me moving on with my life, or at least a part of it. Harry's made me feel happy ever since I've met him and it's a feeling I want to feel for the rest of my life or at least for just a short amount of time.

I tidy up my room a little and put some of Bella's toys away before taking a long, relaxing bath. I strip off my clothes as the water runs and fill it up with bubbles. I hear my phone go off so I cover myself with my pink robe and see Harry's name light up on the screen.

Harry: I forgot to ask what your address was x

Me: 28 Bayliss street x

Harry: Cool I'll pick you up in two hours. Can't wait xx

Me: See you then xx

I put my phone down on top of my desk and walk into the bathroom, untying my robe and letting it drop off my body. I step into the bath and sit down in the warm water, letting the bubbles cover my skin.

I sat there for some time and almost let myself drift off to sleep but managed to force myself out of the bath and get dressed for my date.

I had no idea what Harry had planned and I didn't know what to expect. Cole stopped taking me on dates after our third one and instead would buy me expensive gifts, which are now part of the debts I have to pay too.

I walked to my wardrobe and took out a black, semiformal, strap back dress which had a cut in the middle and an open back. It was a simple yet perfect dress to wear and I was happy that I found something appropriate to wear.

Laying my dress out on the bed, I then went to sit at my dresser to do my hair and makeup. I grab my curling iron and put my hair into loose curls and let them fall just below my shoulder. I do my makeup simply and apply a nude lipstick to finish off.

With half an hour to spare, I put my dress on which ends at just above my mid thigh. I put on some fake gold jewelry and spray some perfume. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror, glad that I was able to come up with something to wear on this date and hopefully impress Harry.

A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. I take a breath and walk downstairs before opening the door to find Harry.

Holy shit.

He's wearing a red and black striped suit. His curls fall perfectly on his shoulders and a nervous smile lingers on his lips. He holds a bouquet of red roses in his hands and I find myself blushing for staring too long but unable to take my eyes off of the handsome man in front of me.

I blush harder when I see him staring at me too. His eyes roam up and down my body and I giggle when he blushes also. "You look...Amazing." He says.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smile and the small amount of tension fades away. He hands me the roses and his lips touch my cheek, my mind bringing back memories of Niall's party and the way his lips felt on mine.

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