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"It's okay baby." Harry rubs my back and holds my hair back as I throw up in the toilet for the second time this morning.

Once the contents of my breakfast has emptied out of my stomach, I flush the toilet and rinse my mouth. "We really need to take you to the doctor." Harry says.

It's been five months since I woke up from my coma. I have a job at a nursery, helping out the younger kids and Harry is still working at the publishing house. Our lives have been perfect but the past few days I've been throwing up every morning at the same time after breakfast.

It's been happening for about a week and a half now and it only happens in the morning, I'm fine for the most part of the day.

"I'll be fine." I say and we walk into the kitchen together, Bella colouring in at the kitchen island.

"Momma, can we go to the park today?" Bella asks. I brush back her curls.

"Of course baby." I kiss her forehead but feel nauseous again. I run to the toilet and throw up but not as much as before.

"Liv, I'm worried." Harry says, looking at me with concern.

"Maybe I just need to keep an eye on what I'm eating for breakfast." I realise the toothpaste has run out so I open the cupboard to get a new tube. My eyes widen at the box of tampons and then I realised, I've skipped a period.

"H-Harry..." I turn and hold up the box. His eyes widen and I can tell he's caught on to what I'm talking about.

"I-it's okay, I'll run to the store and get a test." He stutters.

I'm still in shock. What if I am pregnant? I can't be pregnant again I can only just manage Bella and I've only just got over the whole drug business.

Harry notices me not moving and pulls me into his embrace, "It's okay baby, everything will be fine."

"H-Harry, I'm scared." I admit and he holds me tighter.

"There's nothing to be scared of beautiful. You've already raised Bella so well on your own and you might not even be pregnant." He tried but I shake my head.

"What if I am?" I question, looking up at him.

"Then I'll be with you every step of the way." He pecks my nose and I feel myself relax in his arms. "I'll be back in five minutes."

"Mommy look, I drew a butterfly" Bella shows me the blue butterfly she drew and coloured in.

"That's amazing Bells." I say and she goes to draw another picture.

I sit next to her with a cup of coffee and watch as my little baby draws. Bella will always be my baby and she's one of my greatest accomplishments; raising her on my own.

If I am pregnant, Harry will be here with me this time and Bella will have someone to take care of but I can't help but think, what if I'm not fit enough for another baby? What if I loose it or if it gets taken away from me? I don't want to risk that.

Harry return with a pregnancy test later on. I take the box in my hand and read the instructions. I head into the bathroom and Harry tells me he'll wait outside.

Once I'm finished I leave it by the sink and unlock the door. "How long do we wait for?" Harry pulls me into his side and presses his lips to the side of my head.

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