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"Okay Mommy, I got to go now but I come back when I done at Grammy's." Bella kisses her mum's forehead, trying not to get in the way of the oxygen mask, and jumps off the chair.

Another month has passed since Olivia's seizure and still no improvement. The doctor said because her brain is so tired and in a state of shock, it's shut down and resting which causes Olivia to be in a coma.

They tell me the same thing everytime and sometimes I feel like they're lying to me.

Bella grabs my hand and I kiss Olivia's chapped lips. "See you later baby." I whisper and peck her nose before taking Bella to Marie's house for the day.

"Why is mommy still asleep?" Bella asks, sitting in her booster seat. She has grown up quite a bit, her language improving a lot and she has matured a bit too.

I reach around my seat and grab her small hand, she plays with my fingers and giggles when she compares our had sizes. It takes me a while to think up a response,  "She'll be up soon princess." I convince her and myself.

"When Mommy wakes up we should buy her strawberry cheesecake because that's her favourite." Bella drops my hand and leans her head against the window, staring outside.

She's been having nightmares again. She always ends up sleeping in my bed and screaming for her mommy. It hurts so much to see her like that and I can't do anything to make Olivia come back. She's so tired, her eyes always looking exhausted and it kills me.

Our apartment is a mess and I haven't done any shopping either. We tend to spend a lot of time with Marie because she helps a lot with Bella, so our apartment looks like it's been struck by a bomb.

I roll into Marie's drive. She checks up on Olivia a lot along with Lorrie and the others. We're all exhausted and scared and these past three months have been hell.

I carry Bella up to the house and she rests her head on  my shoulder. Marie opens the door and smiles. "Hello baby bella." She kisses Bella on the cheek.

"Don't go daddy." Bella grips on my shirt.

"I have to get to work princess, I promise I'll be back as soon as possible and we can watch movies when I get home." I try to persuade the four year old gripping onto me.

"Can we watch Tangled and eat chocolate cupcakes?" She begs, knowing those are two of Olivia's favourite things.

"Of course we can princess." I kiss her forehead and she nuzzles her nose against my cheek.

I say goodbye and drive down to work. I am greeted by Alice, the nice old lady at the front desk, and walk to my office.

I set my bag down and place my phone next to my laptop, in case of emergencies. I start reading through a few manuscripts and can't seem to concentrate on anything. Bella's screaming from last night echoing in my mind.

I decide to stop reading for a while and go to grab a coffee. I place the cash into the machine and the steaming liquid pours into the plastic cup. "Hey Harry!" Will, one of the new interns, greets me.

"Hey Will." I say.

"How's everything with your girlfriend?" he knows it's a touchy subject but I don't mind him asking.

"Same old, same old." I shrug.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." It goes silent, I always hate the awkwardness after talking about personal subjects. "If it makes things better, I hear they're going around giving people promotions." 

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