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"C'mon Liv you can't ignore him forever." Lorrie begs as I walk ahead of her through the halls.

"I'm so stupid Lorrie! I should never have kissed him back!" I say, frustrated with all of my messed up feelings in my messed up life.

"You couldn't help it Liv! Maybe God or the universe is giving you a sign that you need a male figure like Harry." She grabs my wrist and stops me from walking. "Think about this Olivia. Harry misses you like crazy and you miss him just as much. You need to be together."

It's been two weeks since Harry and I had spoken and things have been getting pretty rough. I miss him a lot, more than I thought I would, but I tell myself everyday that what I'm doing is for my benefit and for his.

Yet, Lorrie gives valid reasons as to why everything I'm doing is wrong. I need to move on and have someone like Harry in my life. I miss him like crazy and if he misses me too, surely that means something?

"Fine. I'll talk to Harry after school." I mumble and she looks shocked.

"About time." Zayn walks over to us. "He's been in a shit mood for the past two weeks. Especially this week, he's been completely avoiding all topics about you."

"That's really helping guys." I say, sarcastically.

"Sorry we'll work on the motivation." Niall puts his arm around my shoulder and my eyes see the curly, brown haired boy walking down the hall.

"One second." I run towards him and yell his name but it takes a while for me to get his attention. "Harry, I know this is really sudden but I need to talk to you at the end of the day."

His eyes go wide for a second but soon darken. His jaw clenches and unclenches and his face is stern. I can understand though, I was stupid to ignore him.

"Sure." He shrugs and walks away.

I stare at him as he walks down the hallway, my mouth agape at his quick answer. I walk back to my friends whose eyes are all on me. "That didn't last long." Lorrie says.

"Yeah, he was all weird." I shake my head and grab my books before walking to my next class.

When the school day finishes I walk out into the parking lot and wait for Harry. I know he studies a lot after classes, so I need to make this quick and apologise for everything. Even if he doesn't want to be in any sort of relationship at least if I apologise I'll feel better... I hope.

I see the familiar, tall figure, he sees me and begins to walk over. His eyes flash with an emotion I can't figure out and he takes long strides towards me.

He stands tall in front of me making me feel small, just like how I feel in front of Finch. I know Harry wouldn't hurt me though which makes me feel slightly better.

I clear my throat and take a step back to give us space apart. "You wanted to talk?" He speaks in a low tone.

"Y-yeah. I-I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." I blurt and his angered face doesn't change. "I'm sorry for ignoring you Harry and I had no right to stop talking to you without an explanation. I know it sucks that I shut you out all the time and I promise to tell you everything, I just need you to give me time and I promise I will tell you everything that is wrong with my fucked up life but for now I just want you to know that I'm-"

"I know Olivia." He cuts in.

"Know what?" I ask, confused.

"Everything. You, Cole, Finch's gang, your daughter!" He says through gritted teeth and my heart sinks.

How did he find out all about this? Who told him? And why is he snooping into my business? To say I'm angry is the understatement of the year and even if I did ignore him for two weeks without an explanation, it still doesn't give him any right on trying to find out about me behind my back.

"Who told you?" I say through gritted teeth.

"A friend of yours. I had to find out you had a daughter from somebody else, why didn't you tell me any of this? It wouldn't have changed anything!" He exclaims.

"Are you sure about that Harry? I am in a situtation that not only puts my life at risk but everyone who's around me as well!  I can never find a way to escape and I just wanted one thing to be perfect but you went into my business and had to ruin everything!" I say angrily.

"You have no idea how desperate I was Olivia, you ignored me and I wanted to find out why. You made me feel like an idiot for liking you." His face is less tense as he speaks but I'm still  furious.

"Why couldn't you have waited to hear it all from me?" I spit.

"Because you wouldn't tell me anything! Do you have any idea what it's like for everyone to know what's going on and you are kept in the dark the whole time?" He quizzes.

"Yes. It happens everyday, all the time and it's what lead me into being where I am today."

"Olivia, I'm sorry but I want to be there for you. Please, just tell me." He pleads but I shake my head.

"I thought I could trust you and we could actually be something together. I just wanted one thing in my life to be mine and not merge with the shit I have to put up with all the time. If you would have just given me time, I could have told you. I'm sick and tired of people getting involved with things that aren't there's to get involved with." I say and walk away.

I hear him call after me but my pace quickens. When I no longer hear his calls I lean against the wall and a tear rolls down my cheek.

I thought I could trust him and he would be there for me, he would wait. He knows all my secrets and it changes everything.

I wipe the tears from my eye with my sleeve and decide on forgetting for just a little while. I start walking towards the pub, "Give me a shot!" I yell to the bartender.

I drink and drink before my mind goes hazy and everything is brighter; no more problems.

I needed to forget and this was my release.

Short chapter but the chapters for this fanfic aren't as long as Spaces because it's just easier and this story is longer anyway.

They will be over a thousand words though because I have this weird thing where if I don't do over a thousand I get really annoyed with myself.

Who's excited for Harry's album!!!! oh ma gosh I am literally dying.

Only a week!!

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-Chloe xx

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