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(Gif of Lorrie ^^)


I woke up with my head pounding and every part of my body ached. I still don't have the payment and Finch is getting furious about it.

He texted me himself last night, which means that I'm completely fucked. My last payment was due in on Friday last week and it's already Monday. I went to their usual place, where they smoke, take drugs and drink and told Finch that I didn't have it yet.

He got Liam and Louis to beat me up as a punishment and I remember lying on the floor nearly unconscious but luckily Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend, took me home without anyone knowing.

Out of all the boys, Finch scares me the most. If I don't do what he says he could potentially kill me with the amount of power he holds over me. He says if I don't pay Cole's debts, I'll be punished which literally means I could die.

I get out of my comfy bed and put on my light blue skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt. I walk downstairs and see Marie feeding Bella her breakfast as she sits in her chair and wears her Winnie the Pooh pyjamas. "Morning." I mumbled.

Marie turned around and gasped, "Olivia, what did you do?" She walked over to me and grabbed my chin, turning my head to look closer at my black eye.

"It's nothing." I say and move out of her grasp.

"Olive, you can't keep doing this." I try not to smile. Even though she's angry at me she still calls me by my nickname.

"There's nothing I can do about it." I mumble. I sit down at the table next to Bella who's stuffing her face with porridge, her hair all over the place as I kiss her forehead. "You're a messy baby." I smile, wiping Bella's mouth with a cloth. Bella giggles and Marie sighs.

"I'm worried about you Olivia, it's getting worst." Marie doesn't know everything. She knows that I'm paying for Cole's debts and she knows about Finch, Emery, Liam and Louis but she knows nothing about the drugs and that I use to take them myself.

The first thing she said when I told her everything was that I needed to call the police but I'm too scared. What would happen when Finch and his gang got out of jail? Would I go to jail too? It was too much of a risk and not one I was willing to take.

"I know, I just need to take more shifts at the store and then I will have enough and I won't have to pay again 'till next month." I explain to her and take Bella out of her chair.

"I go play now." She points to the lounge.

"Okay Bells." She waddles into the lounge and I see her sit down and play with her plastic animals.

"What about Bella? She needs you, she looks up to you." Marie looks at me.

"That is why I am doing this." I say. I look at the time and sigh, "I've got to go to class." I kiss Marie on the cheek and grab my coat, walking into the lounge to say goodbye to Bella.

"Bye princess." She clumsily stands up and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around my legs and I run my fingers through her curly hair. "Love you."

"Wove you." She responds and I sigh not wanting to be away from her.

"Bye!" I yell and leave the house.

Once I get to school I meet Lorrie outside. Her eyes widen when she sees me. "Liv, what the hell?"

"I got into trouble because I was late with a payment." I tell her.

"Liam and Louis again?" She asks, knowing that Liam and Louis are the strongest members of their gang. I nod and she huffs.

We walk to the library, which is where we all usually hang out, and see Niall and Harry, who also happen to widen their eyes at the state of me. I get why Harry is surprised but the others should be use to this by now. "Olivia, what happened?" I'm taken aback when Harry cups my cheeks and I feel his warmth radiate off of him.

"I'm okay Harry." I try to persuade him but I know he's not taking any of it.

"Did this happen last night?" I look into his green eyes which are full of worry. I feel bad that he cares so much about me, he shouldn't feel the need to worry about me.

"Honestly Harry, I'm okay, just bruised."


When Olivia came in with a black eye, I was completely shocked. We were talking last night and I don't know how this could have happened.

She kept telling me it was okay but I didn't feel okay at all. She was hurt and I didn't like that. I could tell she was used to pain but she didn't have to hide it from me. I wanted to be there for her when she was hurt or in pain and when she needed someone to talk to.

My feelings for her were developing everyday and seeing that she was hurt made my heart pinch.

We were all sitting down in the dining hall. Olivia was in the guidance counselor's office because someone said she had a black eye and they wanted to talk to her about it. She told us she had it covered and she would be joining us soon.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Lorrie exclaims, setting her tray down on the table and sitting next to Niall.

"No idea." Zayn rolls his eyes and takes a spoonful of his yogurt.

"Don't be like that you idiot, this is important." Lorrie says and I chuckle. "Emery just came up to me and asked how Olivia was doing. He had this weird smirk on his face and it creeped the hell out of me."

I was confused again, not having any idea who this Emery person was.

"Who's Emery?" I asked.

"Oh he's part of this gang that Cole was pa-OW!" Lorrie didn't finish her sentence as Zayn kicked her in the shin and glared at her, making me even more confused.

"Cole?" I say with a questioning tone.

"It doesn't matter, Harry. Just drop it and don't mention I said anything to Olivia, she'll go nuts." Lorrie says.

"Can someone please just tell me what the fuck is going on with Liv?" I start to loose my temper. I feel like everyone is keeping things from me. I get that I'm new to this group but I didn't feel very much a part of it with the amount of things they would talk about and I had no clue what they were saying.

"Chill your balls... It's nothing." Lorrie says.

"I care about Liv a lot and I care whether or not she gets hurt. So please, tell me."

"It's not our place to tell Harry." Niall speaks.

"Are you developing a crush on my best friend?" Lorrie quirks her eyebrow.

"I-I d-don't know." I stutter, knowing exactly what I felt towards Olivia.

"That's so cute. She hasn't been on a date in forever!" Lorrie says, excitedly, completely changing the subject.

"Can we just talk about this Emery guy?" I plead but Lorrie doesn't listen.

"So are you going to ask her out?" Zayn and Niall chuckle, knowing I'm not going to get out of this one.

"I haven't gotten to that stage yet, I'm still trying to get her to trust me." I tell her.

"You're different to any other guy I've met that's for sure. She deserves someone like you especially after all she's been through." She trails off. "Let me give you a piece of advice, if you want to be with Olivia you need to be prepared for the storm she comes with. I'm her best friend and know her inside out but even salt looks like sugar; Liv's not all she seems."


I love Lorrie. I wish I had a friend like her.

I'm so excited because I might be going to the Capital Summertime ball and I'm praying Niall and Louis will be there and Ariana Grande. Maybe even Zayn. I'm praying to God that Harry will be there but he might not be, depends when his album comes out.

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-Chloe xx

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