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"My GPA dropped." I sigh.

School had started all over again and I hated it. My break from school allowed me to be a lot less stressed and I actually managed to pay on time for once. Now school has started again, I have to focus on exams at the same time as my job, Bella and my future.

"How? I thought you were getting 3.3's?" Lorrie asked.

We were walking to the student lounge. Harry was holding my hand through the school halls and it was the first time we were showing affection in public. Some people gave me weird looks, some people gave me looks of disgust and others couldn't give two shits about who I'm dating.

"Well, when you have two jobs as a waitress and a checkout girl in a supermarket and a three year old daughter at home. It doesn't really give you a lot of time to study." I huffed and we sat down on the comfy chairs. I rested my head on Harry's shoulder and he intertwined our fingers on his lap. "I've been getting 2.7's nearly 2.3's."

Harry kissed the top of my head, "That's not too bad."

"I know you're my boyfriend and all and I love you very much for the support but you don't have to lie, I know I'm a shitty person." I sigh.

"Hey," He puts his finger under my chin and makes me look up at him "Just because you have shitty grades doesn't mean I'm going to love you any less. I will do anything in my power to help you, besides, you know Bella loves me more so she'll happily let me babysit." He jokes.

I scoff and slap him on the arm. "You guys are so cute it makes me want to puke." Lorrie says.

"Speaking of, how'd it go with you and blondie?" I ask and Lorrie starts blushing.

"It was amazing Liv! He took me out to this fancy restaurant and we strolled around the park at night just talking and then he said he's liked me for a really long time and asked if he could kiss me!" She squeals.

"And what did you say?" I pretend to not know the answer when it's pretty obvious.

"Of course, I said yes!" She grins.

"As much as I love talking about how Lorrie kissed Niall, I need to get to practice." He gathered his things together and kissed me sweetly on the lips. "I love you, baby." He grins.

"I love you too." I tell him back and he kisses me again before leaving.

As soon as he walks out of the student lounge, my phone buzzed.

Finch: We need to talk.

I quickly typed back a reply.

Me: About?

Finch: I need extra money to pay off the drugs I brought.

Me: What do you want me to do about it?

Finch: Pay me by tonight and you only have to pay half the next time I see you.

Me: How much?

Finch: 250 dollars

Me: Fuck no, I can't pay that much by tonight.

Finch: I need the money Olivia. Saying no could lead to deep shit.

Me: I don't give a fuck. I'm paying you everything I earn already, pay for your own god damn drugs, I'm already paying for Cole's.

"Who you chatting to?" Lorrie questions and I shake my head, shutting my phone off.

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