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"When mommy comin' home?" Bella asks her voice raspy but slightly better than yesterday. She's sitting at the kitchen island eating fruit loops.

"She should be back soon." I assure her but can't help the small piece of doubt I have. She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts and I have no idea where she is.

I spent a lot of time thinking and realised that I should never have let Olivia leave like that. She could have left me me to think without leaving the apartment. I want to forgive her but she has to earn her trust back. I understand she was scared and didn't want me to get hurt but I wanted to be there for  her and she needs to see that she can talk to me and not lie about things.

My phone starts ringing from the other room and I quickly run to go and get it, hoping it's Olivia so that she can come home to me. I see her contact on the screen and can't help but let out a deep sigh. "Olivia, please come home." I say into the phone as soon as I pick up.

"Harry?" I hear gruff voice on the other end and recognise it as Louis'.

"What the fuck are you doing on my girlfriends phone, where is she?" I say all at once and I hear him breathing heavily down the phone.

"Harry, listen to me-" He tries.

"No, don't tell me you are sleeping with my girlfriend." My nostrils flare and my blood boils.

"Shut the fuck up Harry! I'm not sleeping with Olivia, I have a fucking girlfriend and you need to listen to what I have to fucking say." He yells and I stop questioning him.

"What?" I spit.

"Olivia...was shot." He says and my blood runs cold. I feel my body go numb and everything stop.

My mind immediately thinks the worst possible scenario and my eyes start to water. "I-Is she okay?" My voice cracks half way through.

"I-I honestly don't know, Harry. She's in the operating theatre but I couldn't get to her quick enough since Finch was holding me down." He explains and his voice seems sad and regretful.

I've been dreading this day. The day where Olivia would be out of reach and something terrible would happen that not even I could save her from. I  couldn't lose her, she's my everything, she makes everything better and I couldn't lose my source of happiness. Bella couldn't lose her mum, she's only three years old and I could never raise her the way Olivia does.

"Harry you need to get down to the hospital." Louis says "She needs you."

I nod my head and get rid of any thoughts of her not making it and try to stay strong for her. I tell Louis I'll be there in ten minutes and end the call. "Shit." I mumble my heart is beating rapidly and everything in me is shaking.

I walk back into the kitchen and Bella is playing with her dollies. "Hey princess, daddy needs to go somewhere so I'm going to take you to Grammy's house."

She looks up at me with her big, blue eyes which almost make me want to burst into tears because they look so much like Olivia's. "Why cryin' daddy?" She says and cups my cheeks with her tiny hands.

What was I suppose to say? Her mum's in hospital and may not make it? "Bella, mummy's hurt and she needs daddy to come and help her, so if you go to grammy's I can bring mummy home and we can be altogether again."

"Mommy has an ouchie?" Bella furrows her eyebrows. "Mommy never has ouchie. Mommy the bwavest girl in the world!"

"I know but sometimes even the bravest people in the world can get hurt." I tell her.

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