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Today was Niall's birthday which he had been planning with Zayn for a while now since he was turning 21. He had planned a house party at his fraternity and sent a few invites which then led to a few more invites and then almost the entire school.

I finished up my shift at the diner and grabbed my coat, pulling it on as I walked out the diner. I've been so busy these past few weeks, getting extra shifts to earn more money for Finch, revising for exams and keeping up with my homelife. It was all pretty stressful and I don't know how I can put up with it for much longer.

Once I got home, I smiled as I heard Bella giggling from the lounge. I stood in the doorway watching the little girl laugh at the cartoons on the TV. I walk into the kitchen and put my bag down on the counter.

Marie was by the stove, making dinner. I huffed and she turned to me with a small smile on her face. "Busy day?" I nod.

"I think I need to find a new job." I explain. I've been thinking about finding a new job for a while which pays more with less shifts but it's just been stressing me out even more so I always put the idea to the side.

"You shouldn't be working this hard Olive. Remember who's important." She reminds me for the thousandth time. I turn to the lounge and see Bella playing with her dollies.

"I know, I'll work something out." I sigh and hear my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Harry.

Harry: I'm assuming you're going to Niall's party tonight...

Me: You assumed right Styles.

Harry: Good, it's been a while since I've seen you...

Harry: I miss you Liv..

I bite my lip and stare down at the text. He misses hanging out with me and talking to me and the strangest part is: I miss him too.

Harry: Sorry if I scared you away.

Me: No you didn't.

Me: I miss you too Harry....

Harry: Really?

Me: Yeah

Harry: Well back to the point. I need help on what to wear.

Me: Seriously?

Harry: As serious as Donald Trump and global warming.

I chuckle slightly and Marie looks at me again. "Who are you talking to?" She quirks her eyebrow.

"No one." I smile and walk up stairs to my room. I fall back onto my bed and text him back.

Me: Well that's pretty serious.

Me: What are you planning on wearing?

Harry: Jeans and a white v-neck.

Me: Wow original (rolls eyes)

Harry: What is that suppose to mean?

Me: You wear that all the time...

Harry: But I look hot in it.

Me: No Comment.

Harry: You can't deny the truth Liv.

Me: No Comment.

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