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-Final chapter 😭-


"Why'd you have to impregnate me?" Olivia groans as she lies on the couch with a swollen belly and half a tub of ice cream.

It's raining outside and Bella is lying between Olivia's legs with her head on the baby bump. It's an adorable sight and one that I want to freeze  and frame.

Olivia's five months along now and we haven't found out the gender but I know it will be a boy. Olivia says it's a girl but I know for sure I have a little boy in there.

We haven't gotten into any drama or situations that involved drugs or abuse from Cole and Finch. Louis is living happily with his girlfriend and hasn't gotten any contact either.

Niall and Lorrie have moved in together and are graduating soon. Zayn and Gigi have progressed from the whole coffee spilling incident and have finally admitted they're in love.

As for me and Olivia, we're doing pretty good. We haven't gotten into any arguments, unless Olivia's pregnancy hormones kick in and she takes everything the wrong way.

Bella started kindergarten two months ago and has made a few friends. She says she loves math which was surprising but as long as it makes her happy then I'm fine with it.

We're all excited for the baby to come and Bella is even more excited to become a big sister.

Overall, we're all happy. Which is why I'm doing one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever had to do.

Ask Olivia to marry me.

We're both still young but we don't have to get married straight away. I know she'll want to have the wedding after our baby is born.

I just need to make her mine officially. I want her to walk through the streets and for men to see a ring on her finger, claiming she's mine. I want to have her forever in my arms, so we can make our family bigger.

She makes me happy and I wouldn't want anyone else to be my wife but her.

"Harry?" Olivia chucks a pillow at my head and Bella laughs.

"You think that's funny?" I ask Bella and start tickling her bare feet which makes her giggle.

"Why are you so out of it today?" Olivia asks, her hand resting on her stomach.

I'm going to propose to you at the end of the day, that's why.

"Sorry baby, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." I tell her and she looks at me sceptically before nodding her head.

Bella moves off of the couch and tells us she's going to play with her toys in her room. Olivia looks over at me and pouts, signalling she wants me to cuddle her.

I move onto the couch and she moves so she's in between my legs and her head rests in my chest. I rest my hands on her little bump and kiss the top of her head.

"We should start thinking about names." Olivia says.

"What do you have in mind baby?" I ask.

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