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Days had passed since I woke up and I was finally able to leave the hospital. I missed my home and being with my two favourite people everyday and I couldn't wait to be back.

Although, it wasn't all that simple as I was going to be put on bed rest for another week. It was annoying but I'd rather be stuck in bed at home than at the hospital. "Mommy, I brought you your favourite pyjamas!" Bella walked through the door with a plastic bag with my clothes inside. Harry trailed behind with a smile on his face, equally as happy that I was leaving the hospital.

"Thank you baby." I was so happy that I could finally see Bella's smiley face again. Her and Harry would stay at night in my bed because Bella was too scared.

It was just as scary for me to be away from Harry as it was for him to be away from me. I was constantly trying to wake up and live but I always ended up falling back again, into a deep slumber.

I missed them both so much and I'm so happy that I can finally be with them again and they don't have to worry anymore. Finch and Cole were locked up and I was finally free to run from my problems and live the way I've always wanted to.

"Hey baby." Harry bends down to place a kiss on my lips, I've missed him.

"Hey handsome." I smile.

He helps me get out of bed and into the bathroom to change. I struggle to pull up my pyjama bottoms but Harry is by my side, helping me in seconds. "I got you baby." He kisses the top of my head and ties up the strings on my bottoms.

I put my hair into a messy bun and brush my teeth. I had a bath this morning and I finally feel so clean being out of bed and not having to wear the hospital gown anymore.

When I've finished getting ready, we leave the room and I couldn't be more happy than to be going home to be with my family again.

"Are you excited?" One of Harry's arms wrap around my waist and pulls me into him.

"Definitely." I grin and he moves to kiss my lips.

Bella skips to the car in front of us, the four year old excited for me to be coming home. Harry said he needed a chance to clean up because the apartment was a mess but I didn't care, I just wanted to go home more than anything.

"I got a new comforter for the bed. Since you'll be on bed rest I thought I would make it comfortable for you." I kiss his cheek.

"Aww thank you baby." I say and poke his dimple.

We get into the car, Bella sings to Frozen on the radio and when the chorus to Let It Go comes on, we scream out the words, Harry holding my hand over the console and smiling as he sings.

When we get home, Harry helps me to our bedroom. "We made you cupcakes Mommy, you can eat them in bed." Bella says.

"Sounds great Bells." I ruffle the curls in her head. Even if Cole is her father sometimes I can't help but see that in some ways she is like Harry. Maybe not on the outside but on the inside their quite similar.

I lay in bed and Bella sits on the end. "I'll go make you some coffee." Harry says but I grab his hand.

"Harry, you've done so much already. I just want to lay with my boyfriend." I tell him and he nods, smiling.

He gets in next to me and I cuddle into his side. Bella lays in her stomach in between us and looks at my painted nails which Lorrie painted the other day when we were both bored.

"Can I have my nails painted mommy?" Bella asks.

"Of course you can baby. Why don't you pick out a colour from my dresser?" She nods and scurries off the bed.

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