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You know the saying: 'A weight being lifted off of your shoulders.'?

Well that's how I feel right in this very moment. Olivia has opened up to me about everything and I finally feel like I don't have to keep searching anymore. I know everything and no one has to hide anything from me and keep me in the dark because I'm finally a part of Olivia's life.

Listening to her retell her story left me in so many emotions. I was angry at dumbass ex-boyfriend but so proud of the brunette girl I've been crushing on since I moved here. I don't know why she kept Bella a secret because she's the most precious human being I've ever met but I'm glad I know about her now.

Marie had left, so it was just me, Olivia and Bella in the house. Olivia was chasing Bella around trying to get her dressed, whilst I just laughed at the interaction between the two, knowing that the pair are very close.

"Bella, I need you to put your skirt on." Olivia tries grabbing her but Bella giggles and run past her.

"No mommy!" She squeals, running around the kitchen in her diaper.

I reach out for the little girl and lift her up into my arms. She starts laughing even louder as I tickle her sides. "Are you going to let mommy put your clothes on?" She shakes her head. "Okay then, I guess that means the tickle monster will have to pay a visit!-"

She gasps, "No tickle!"

"Let mommy put your skirt on." I let her down and she walks over to Olivia, who pulls up her skirt.

"Kissy." Bella kisses Liv on the nose and goes back into the lounge to play with her toys.

"Thank you. She's not a big fan of getting out of her pyjamas." Olivia tells me. I walk over and put my arms around her waist. I kiss her lips and smile, loving the feeling I get when I kiss her. "H-Harry, what are we?"

I look at her and see the nervous look in her eyes. I know she's talking about our relationship and I know for sure what I want us to be but I don't want her to feel pressured. "Whatever you want us to be." I whisper.

"What do you want us to be?" She asks.

"To be honest, I want us to be together. I want to hold your hand in the streets and kiss you in public so everyone knows you're mine. I want you to be mine." I tell her, honestly.

"So we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" She checks and I kiss her cheek.

"If you say so." I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "What about Bella?"

"She'll be fine with it. She loves you already anyway, which is strange because she has slight trust issues with guys." She explains.

"Like mother, like daughter huh?" I smirk and she laughs. I kiss her again but am soon interrupted when her mobile rings. "Are we always going to be interrupted?" I ask.

"Sorry." She blushes and goes to answer the phone, she gulps at the name on the screen and I have a feeling I know who she's about to talk to. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist from behind so she knows that I want to be there for her.

"Hello?" She answers.

I hear yelling from the other side of the phone and I pull her closer to me. "I-I didn't get a shift, I told Emery to tell you that I couldn't do it." She says, I can tell she's getting mad.

I hear a loud bang from the other end, "Please, Finch. Just give me another week... No-I know we agreed on it but... Okay I understand." She hangs up and turns in my arms, she starts sobbing and I whisper to her that she's going to be okay.

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