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To say I was a angry was the understatement of the century.

Olivia lied to me. She wasn't at work, she was with Louis and I can't help but question how many other times she's lied to me. She's home late whilst her daughter is sick, possibly making out with some other guy.

And she worked in a gang? She's murdered innocent people and I never thought she would hurt somebody, let alone kill them.

If she was here right now, Cole probably wouldn't be here and holding his 'daughter'. Cole would never have broke into Bella's room because Liv would be here.

The fact that she lied to me makes me wonder what else she's been keeping from me. We always promised to tell each other everything so that I could be there for her but for her to lie to me hurts me.

I sit on the couch waiting for the door to open. An hour has passed since I kicked Cole out of my house and she still hasn't returned.

I stay seated, my eyes glued to the front door waiting for it to open and eventually it does, Olivia walking in not noticing me.

She hangs up her coat and puts her bag down and sighs. I clear my throat and her head snaps round, eyes widening.

Oh yes baby, I'm not happy.

I see a flash of guilt in her blue eyes and her tired look is changed to one of worry. "Where were you?" I ask, my voice angry.

"I-I was at work. I told you." She stutters and I feel my blood boil, she thinks that she can lie to me again?

"Really, is that why your home at 2am when the diner closes at 10?" I quirk my eyebrow and stand up.

I feel my heart pinch when she takes a step back and a look of fear flashes across her eyes. I almost felt bad for her but I couldn't sympathise with her if she was going to lie to my face.

"I was stuck in traffic." She tries.

"Don't fucking lie to me Olivia." I nearly yell but remember that Bella is fast asleep in another room. "I know you were with Louis."

"H-Harry it's not like that, I wasn't- we weren't doing what you think we were doing." Her eyes water.

"What is it then Olivia? Because I had to find out from Cole that you were with another guy whilst I was at home looking after our daughter." The corners of her mouth turn slightly at the mention of our daughter but she soon frowns.

"You talked to Cole?" She asks worriedly.

"He was in Bella's room whilst she was asleep and I threw him out but he told me you were with another guy." I tell her.

"And you believe him? After all he's done and you believe my psycho ex boyfriend." She looks angry but she has no right.

"Well if you weren't where he says you were, where were you?" She gulps.

"I can't tell you." She whispers, causing my fists to clench up.

"You can't fucking tell me where you were after I was told you were with Louis?" I spit. "How long have you been lying me to me?"

"Harry, it's not like that. I can't tell you because if I do you'll get dragged into the mess I'm in and I don't want to see you get hurt." She tries to explain but I shake my head.

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