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No one told me where Olivia went last night at the diner and I have the urge to find out myself. She just left, not even saying where she was going and I felt a little sad that she left without allowing me to get to know her a little better.

When Lorrie asked if I had a girlfriend, I was slightly confused but then saw the look on Olivia's face and was quite proud that she has some interest in me or maybe it was just the fact that I wanted her to like me so I got my hoped up a bit too much in the moment.

I pull into the school car park and get out, walking into the building and into the library. I smile when I see Zayn and Niall hanging around with Lorrie who's pacing back and forth. "Hey guys." I say, walking up to them.

"Hey Harry." Niall cheers. We still have fifteen minutes until our first class starts so we hang around in the library for a while.

"Lorrie stop stressing will you, I'm sure she's fine!" Zayn says.

"She never called me back last night Zayn. I'm worried she's hurt, you know how Emery gets!" Lorrie almost yells and dials a number into her phone, trying to call someone.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask Zayn.

"Olivia didn't call Lorrie after she left and she's been stressing about it since last night." Zayn explains.

"Where did Olivia go?" Zayn shrugs and Lorrie groans but then she stops pacing and her eyes widen.

"Liv?" She whispers and walks towards her. I turn my head to see where she's heading to and see a small figure wearing a large, grey hoodie and leggings, limping down the hallway.

It's Olivia.

"Shit." Zayn mutters and follows Lorrie. I look at Niall who's eyes are on Lorrie and Olivia he gets up and walks over to them and I go after.

"Liv what happened?" Lorries hugging her. Olivia pulls her hood down and she has black circles around her eyes, her eyes bloodshot. She looks exhausted.

"I didn't bring it in on time." She chokes and stumbles to the ground but I catch her before she hits the floor.

"Woah, I've got you." I say and she looks up at me, her eyes a lighter shade of blue than normal.

"We should take her to the nurse." Zayn suggests.

"You know how she gets Zayn." Lorrie's worried eyes stay trained on Olivia.

"We have no choice Lorrie! If you want her to be okay we have to take her to the nurse." Lorrie slowly nods and I keep Olivia in my arms as they lead the way to the nurse's room.

Olivia buries her head into my chest and I hold her tighter, "You smell nice." She mumbles into my shirt.

I chuckle, knowing she's probably feeling very light headed. Niall opens the door to the room and we step in. The nurse turns around and rushes over to us, telling me to put Olivia onto the bed.

"Again? What are we going to do with you Miss Rose?" The nurse says. I wonder what she means by 'again', has Olivia been like this before?

Zayn, Niall and Lorrie all act like they're use to this stuff happening to her. This probably has something to do with where she went last night, what is she involved with?

"You can go back to class now. We'll send her back when she wakes up." The nurse instructs. We leave the room and make our way to class. It's silent as we walk through the hallways and we enter the classroom.


"Niall, wait up!" I jog towards him. We both have free periods so we decide to hang out in the student lounge.

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