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Olivia had been ignoring me all week.

I don't know what I did or how I managed to upset her but she's been ignoring me and It's bothering me way more than it should.

I can still feel her soft lips against mine from our date a few days ago and I long to feel them again, but she's avoiding me and I don't understand why. Not even Lorrie knows what's wrong with her and it worried me that I was the one that had done something wrong or upset her.

Walking into school and through into the library, I see Lorrie, Zayn and Niall standing there and the familiar long, brown locks catch my eye. She sees me walk in and makes eye contact for a second, her pale blue eyes meeting mine but only a second passes, before she walks away.

Lorrie must have noticed and turned to see me walking over to them. "Hey Harry." She smiled.

"Hey." I sighed sitting down on one of the soft chairs and pulling out my phone.

It's silent and my eyes travel to the three people around me. They're all staring at me and watching my every move. "Are you expecting me to say something or...?"

"Olivia told us about the date." Lorrie blurted and Zayn smacked her on the arm.

"Did she tell you how she ran away from me afterwards?"  I mumble.

"She says she feels bad, Harry. You should know it's for your own good." Niall pats my back.

"If she feels bad she wouldn't have ignored me this entire week. I'm done with people hiding things from me and keeping me in the dark about everything. It's fine not telling me but when you're always talking about things that I don't know about, I feel like I'm living outside of everyone else's bubble." I rant, grabbing my stuff and walking away afterwards.

Ever since I've known them they say the same thing about Olivia all the time. I would have preferred if she said no to my date than lead me on and kiss me when she wants to. I've been feeling like crap and it's all because of her.

She makes me think that it's my fault she ran away from me and they're all sticking up for her. They treat me like shit and I'm done with all of this crap. I'm done with them hiding things from me.

I walk into my biology class and make sure to sit at the back, away from Niall and Zayn. They look at me and sigh before turning back towards the front.

The class drags on for a while but my eyebrows furrow when I fell my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Unknown: You want to know everything about Olivia Rose? Meet me at the Diana's Diner 6pm.

I read the text countless times wondering who managed to get my number.

When the bell goes off, I quickly walk out of class and outside, getting into my car and deciding to skip the rest of my classes.

I enter my apartment and fall onto the couch, opening up my text messages again to re-read the text.

The same questions race around my mind, whether I should go or not. I was debating on whether to rely on the anonymous text or just move on and mind my own business but I cared about Olivia as a friend and more so my urge to help her took over and I had to find the answers on my own. 

Olivia is the most secretive yet intriguing girl I have ever met and my mind won't rest unless I have answers. Maybe this will benefit us, I can tell her I know everything and that I'm not going to change my mind about liking her the way I do. I like her alot and I don't think much could change that.

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