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"Mommy, I feel icky." Bella rubs her eyes with the back of her hand.

I check the time and see it's only 3am, Harry lies asleep next to me. "Do you feel sick?" I lift her up and put her on my lap. She curls into me and rests her head on my chest. I start to get worried when she shakes in my arms.

"It too cold. My belly hurts." She points to her stomach and I feel her forehead, it's burning up. "It really hurts mommy." Her eyes start tearing up and I pull her closer to me.

"I know baby, let's go into the kitchen and have some medicine okay?" She nods and I carry her into the kitchen and sit her on one of the tall chairs. I grab one of the throws from the couch and wrap it around her small form.

I search through the cupboards and find the medicine, pouring it into a small teaspoon and feeding it to her. I give her a glass of water and she drinks it whilst I brush her hair back and put it into a small bun on her head.

"Do you want to come and sleep with mommy and daddy?" She slowly nods and her head falls forward on my chest, showing how sleepy she is. I lift her up and take her into my room, laying her down next to me. She shivers in my arms but I hold her next to me, keeping her safe.

When the morning comes, Bella completely latches onto Harry not letting him go. She threw up twice this morning and her skin is pale but Harry made her feel slightly better by spoiling her with hugs, kisses and a shit ton of attention.

She fists Harry's shirt in her small hands as they lay on the couch watching Cinderella together. Bella let's out a cough and my eyes soften at the sick, little girl. "Daddy my tummy hurting." She says and Harry takes her into the bathroom.

I finish cleaning up and go to sit on the couch with Harry and Bella. She moves to sit on my lap so I can do her hair and I kiss her warm forehead. "My sick baby." I mumble.

"I know what can cure your tummy," Harry says, "How about I go and buy some ice pops."

Bella's eyes light up and a small smile spreads on her lips, "Yes, mommy go get ice pops pwease." She begs.

"What about Daddy?" I pout.

"I want to cuddle Daddy." She reaches out for Harry and he smirks over her shoulder.

"Okay, I'll go get the ice pops. Will that make you happy?" I rub her back as she lays on Harry's torso.

"Yes, I wove you mommy." She smiles.

I smile at her and give Harry a kiss on the lips. "Are you sure you don't want me to go?" He asks.

"It's fine, I'll be back in ten tops." I smile and kiss him again before leaving the apartment and heading towards the shops.

When I get to the store, I head straight for the fridge-freezer aisle and see some shady guy looking at the frozen pizzas. I looked for Bella's favourite ice pops and grabbed two boxes before heading to go pay.

I leave the shop with the bag full of ice pops and start my walk back home but I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I hear footsteps walking fastly behind me. I carry on walking normally but gasp when I feel someone grab my hand and before I had a chance to speak they slip their hand around my mouth and drag me down the alleyway.

My eyes widen when I see Cole standing in front of me his eyes dark and a hood covering his messy hair; he was the guy in the store. He isn't suppose to be here, he's still meant to be in prison, it's too early.

"Hey baby, did you miss me?" He smirks and I attempt to shove him away but he doesn't move.

"Don't call me that asshole." I spit and his smirk disappears. 

"Where's Bella?" He asks and I scoff.

"What makes you think I'm going to let my daughter see her fucking messed up father?" I roll my eyes.

"She's my daughter Olivia." He states.

"You're daughter? Where were you the past three years Cole?" I question and he clenches his fist "What are you doing here anyway Cole, spying on me? Don't you have to be with Finch and be his bitch."

"Finch bailed me out, he's letting me keep my job." He states.

"I thought being in prison for three years would have changed all that." I fold my arms.

"You think being in a cell stopped me from having drugs?" He asked as if I were dumb. 

"Should have known. Now you're out of prison don't think I'm going to carry on paying for your fucking mistakes." I glare at him and he grabs my wrists in both of his hands and pins me up against the wall, his fingertips pressing down, surely to leave bruises.

"You're not going to stop paying my fucking debts, do you understand? If you stop paying for everything then I'm going to kill every single one of your new little family, including our daughter." He spits in my face and I whimper, moving my head to the side.

"She's not our daughter, she's mine." I say and he puts his hand round my throat, making me struggle for air.

"I said: Are. We. Clear?" I choke and nod.

He let's me go and I fall to the ground, struggling for air. He crouches down next to me and brings his lips to my ear, "If you say anything to anybody or even think about calling the cops, I'll make your life a living hell and make sure you regret everything for the rest of your damn life." He whispers.

"I fucking hate you." I spit and he kicks me in the stomach, making a tear escape my eye.

"The feeling is mutual baby." He smirks "And by the way, I'm going to do whatever it takes to have my daughter back." He gets up and leaves me, walking back out the alleyway.

My mind goes back to Bella and I immediately run back to the apartment, forgetting the bag of ice pops. I rush upstairs and into my safe haven as soon as the door slams shut Harry looks at me from the couch. "Is everything okay?" He gets up and comes to hug me.

I shake my head and wrap my arms around his torso, finally letting my tears fall. He holds me as I cry. "Baby, what's wrong?"

I breath in and out before hesitantly answering, "Cole's back, he wants to take Bella..." 


So, I'm reading Cliche for the first time and I freaking love it!

It's hilarious and I really suggest you check it out.

lil update for you. There might not be as much updates since school has started and I fucking hate it but I will probably go back to updating every two days or something. I don't really have a specific schedule tbh.

19 days until Harry's album comes out!!

*Please vote, comment and share bubs*

-Chloe xx

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