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Two weeks have passed since Harry and I had started our relationship. I never thought I would be fully happy again after the whole drug ordeal with Cole but Harry has completely changed everything and I finally feel happiness that I haven't felt in a long time.

Today was the first day of break and Harry was coming over to spend a day with me and Bella. Bella has grown to love Harry and I think he loves her too. Watching them interact with each other makes me extremely happy as Bella has never had a father figure before.

Harry treats her amazingly and I could not be more thankful. He takes care of her when I take shifts at the diner which also helps Marie have some time to herself. Everything is going perfect and all I can do is make the most of our time together because, from what I've learnt, happiness like this doesn't last forever. 

I get out of bed and walk into Bella's room. She's lying in her crib and her blanket is kicked off of her, small puffs of air escape her lips and her curly, blonde hair is sprawled out on the pillow. I should probably start thinking about buying her a proper bed but, knowing her, she'll probably fall out every night and hurt herself.

I stroke her cheek with my finger, "Baby, time to wake up." She stirs and turns on her side.

Her eyes flutter open and she yawns. She didn't sleep very well last night as she kept dreaming about a scary man. She's been having the same nightmares for over a week and I'm really worried. I think she might be dreaming about Cole but she's only met him once and that was when she was six weeks old.

"Harry's coming today." I smile and she stands up excitedly, wearing only a diaper since she was so hot last night.

"Hawwy comin'?" She asks and I nod. She jumps up and down and I pick her up. She grabs my cheeks and rubs our noses together like always and I kiss all over her face. She giggles and we walk downstairs after I put her pink, fluffy robe on.

"What do you want for breakfast Bells?" I ask as she tries to get on the chair but her legs are too short so I walk over and lift her up.

"Fwuit." I smile as she's still unable to pronounce her 'r' sounds in most words.

"Okay baby." I take out the fruit from the fridge and cut them up so it's easier for her to eat. I put it into a bowl and give her a spork.

"Tank you mommy." She says and digs into her breakfast, I kiss her on the forehead and make myself a coffee.

The doorbell rings and Bella claps knowing it's Harry. I walk to the front door and open it, seeing him dressed up in black skinny jeans and a white v-neck. I smile and leap up to kiss him, he laughs as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his lips. "Well, that was the perfect welcoming."

He follows me into the kitchen and Bella cautiously slides off of the chair. She waddles over to Harry and he squats down to get her height. "How's my princess?" She cups his cheeks in her tiny hands and kisses all over his face. He laughs and kisses her cheek.

"Why are you not wearing any pyjamas little one?"

"Too hot, Hawwy." She tells him.

He stands up and moves over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "How's my beautiful girl?" He asks and I flush, not use to anybody calling me beautiful which he does 24/7.

"I'm good. Bella had another nightmare so we both kind of had a rough night." I explain and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Same thing?" I nod and he kisses my forehead. "Well I just so happen to have seen a charity fair being set up in the park so I thought we could take her there today."

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