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Tonight was bonfire night, a tradition that Olivia had celebrated pretty much her whole life after getting adopted by Marie, and for the last few days everyone was really excited.

Olivia forgot to mention that Marie hosts a massive bonfire every year with the help of Zayn and Niall of course.

It was Olivia's favourite time of the year and Bella was also happy about the bonfire since she got to eat marshmallows and got a ton of attention from all the adults being the only child, according to Olivia.

I spent the night with Olivia, I had been ever since she got home from hospital which was four days ago from now. Her bruises were slowly healing and I made sure to massage her stomach to help make the ache go away.

Olivia was currently cuddled up next to me in a deep sleep. She let out little puffs of air through her pouted lips and would mumble things which made me laugh.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing and Olivia stirred, "What is that?" She mumbled into my chest.

"It's just my phone. Go back to sleep baby." I tell her, kissing her temple and reaching for my jeans at the end of the bed to grab my phone.

I looked at the caller ID and saw my mums contact, "Hey mum." I said into the speaker.

"Hey Harry, I know this is very last minute but I'm down in California for the weekend." My eyes widened.

"Really?" I look down at Olivia who's now awake.

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch up?" She asked.

"Y-yeah sure." Olivia looked up at me with tired eyes, completely confused. "Actually mum, there's a bonfire tonight at my girlfriend house. You could meet everybody there, including Olivia.

"W-what are you doi-" I cover Olivia's mouth with my hand and she glares at me.

"That would be lovely Harry! I can't wait to meet her, just give me the address and I'll stop by tonight." She says.

"Okay see you later then, I'll text you all the details." Olivia starts talking against my hand but I put a finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet.

"Bye Harry." She ends the call and I hang up afterwards.

I feel Olivia lick my hand and I pull it away. "What the hell are you doing?" She says looking at me annoyed.

"Did you just lick me?" I wipe my hand against the cover to get her saliva off me.

"Did you just invite your mother over to bonfire night?" She fires back, crossing her arms.

"Maybe." I shrug. "She's been wanting to meet you anyway."

"That is you're mother Harry. How could I possibly meet her, she's gonna hate me. She'll look at Bella and think I'm such an idiot for getting pregnant at 17." She rambles on but I silence her with a kiss.

"She won't think any of that because she loves you already." I try to calm her down.

"I've never had to meet my boyfriends parents before, I don't want her to hate me." She mumbles against my chest.

"There's no way she's going to hate you and, besides, even if she did it wouldn't change anything because I love you." She smiles and kisses me again .

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