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I'm starting to wonder if moving to LA was a good idea as for the past few nights it has been impossible for me to get to sleep since all I've been doing is worrying about everything.

Ever since Lorrie told me Olivia is not all who she says to be, I've been trying to work out what Olivia could be hiding but the pieces aren't fitting together.

The bruises, the texts, Emery, Cole, the little girl at the park. I just don't understand what is going on and I need answers but no one will give them to me. Zayn, Lorrie and Niall all expect me to wait for Olivia to tell me yet I'm struggling to wait that long.

Today we were all meeting up at the diner again to discuss Niall's birthday plans. He was turning 21 and wanted to do something special for it since he was at the age to start drinking, not like he didn't do that anyway. I agreed to help him plan it out with Zayn which then lead to Lorrie inviting herself along with Olivia, which I didn't mind at all.

I was walking down to the diner, which happened to be not so far from my complex. I wore my usual attire; black skinny jeans and a white shirt with my suede boots. Walking into the diner, I saw Niall and Zayn sitting in a booth in the corner with Lorrie and Olivia. I smiled and walked over to the group.

"Hey Harry." Niall smiled.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I apologised.

"It's fine, you missed Zayn going on about Gigi anyway." Lorrie rolled her eyes and looked down at the menu.

"Isn't she the girl in your art class?" I quirked my eyebrow and he nods, blushing slightly.

I slide in next to Olivia, "Hey Liv."

She looked up and smiled at me, "Hey Harry." Me and Olivia are becoming slightly closer and when I say slightly I mean slightly. We text every night since neither of us can sleep and we usually talk and hang out when we have free periods together but Niall would be there too. We haven't spent anytime alone together since the beach and it was annoying that I didn't get to talk to her on my own anymore.

"I haven't spoken to you for ages." I say.

"We spoke this morning..." She smirked.

"Which was over six hours ago." She giggles.

"So birthday ideas..." Niall cheers.

"I have a ton of ideas for your birthday, I've been thinking about it since the beginning of the month!" Lorrie exclaims and everyone looks at her as she pulls out a notepad and pen. "What?" She looks up.

"You've been planning out Niall's birthday since the beginning of the month?" Olivia smirks.

Lorie gulps and blushes, "Well, yeah. He's, um, a good friend and urm..." She tried to cover up her embarrassment but turned a whole other shade of red.

"Anyway... I was thinking we all spend it at my frat house and invite a shit ton of people, have a shit ton of food and a shit ton of alcohol!" Niall says.

"Sounds good." Zayn agrees and Olivia nods.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to do something more memorable?" Lorrie asks.

"The whole point of turning 21 is drinking and not remembering a thing the next morning." Niall high fives Zayn and they carry on talking about types of alcohol they're going to have.

"You okay Ri?" Olivia rubs her back as Lorrie looks down at her hands.

"I had so many ideas..." She mumbled.

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