28 (Extra)

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 "Hurry up Luze, you're taking too long." Emily complained to me on the phone.

"I can't help it, we only arrived last night." I stood in front of the restaurant we were supposed to meet at.

"Luze!" She called out to me and held onto me tightly upon seeing me.

"I see you are as hyperactive as ever." I giggled hugging her back tightly.

"Obviously, I couldn't wait to see you." She led us to the table.

"We just seen each other a few months ago." I laughed at her.

"A few months too long. Oh, where's Justin? I wanna see Taylor!" She jumped up watching Justin walk in with a baby strapped to his chest.

"God she's precious. I can't believe you worked all of that off in this short time." She stared at me, I was in the best shape I could ever be in.

"Oh believe it, she would not stop working out for this trip for anyone." He sat at the table taking Taylor out of the straps and gave her to Emily.

"I can see that." John laughed.

" So, what are we going to do?" I asked, it's been a while since I've been able to do anything active with them.

"These aren't the streets of London Luze, we're in the beautiful beaches of Mallorca!" She exaggerated.

"She also got Francis here to watch Taylor. That's how badly she wants us to go." John added on.

"Wow really?" I heard my phone vibrating. "My bad I have to take this." I answered the call since it was Hunter.

"Take your time." Justin said watching Emily cheerfully pass Taylor to John.

"Hey Luze, you in Spain yet?" He asked.

"Oh yeah we're here with Emily already." I answered.

"Cool, don't forget to take pictures." He said and I heard Summer squeal in the background.

"Oh wow, what's going on with her?" I chuckled hearing how loud she was.

"Who knows, ask her yourself." You could hear the phone being tossed all over.

"Hey Summer, how's Mark?" I asked.

"That's what I'm excited over," I could feel how excited she was over the tone of her voice. "He invited me to a date later on tonight." She said.

"That's great. I mean for you two to end up at the same college, and ever since he's gotten more sincere I seen it coming." I supported it whole-heartedly though it still shocked me.

"Thanks." She gave the phone back to Hunter.

"Well I'll call you back before she and  Ginger wreck the room. See you." Hunter came back to the phone.

"Yeah, see you." I turned the phone off, it was a great thing that even after all of the high school nonsense and drama we're as close with each other as ever.

"Ah  Luze, you ready to go?" I walked back into the restaurant to see Francis holding onto Taylor and Emily jumpy with a large bag.

"Go where?" I was confused over what happened while I was on the phone.

"Obviously the beach, come on." She tugged at me hand that I gladly held back onto.

"I guess... why not?" I smiled at her.

 Of course this was not this future I expected at the beginning of senior year, but I've never been happier with how it came out. Even though everyone thought we weren't supposed to be together, it was better when we found ourselves not that different after all.

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