Songwriting Insecurities

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Idea from lovelashton

Prompt: Luke and Calum are out songwriting as well as Michael and Ashton. In the middle of Michael and Ashton's session, Ashton gets a call from Luke who's insecure about his songwriting. Ashton helps him.

Ashton's POV

Me and Michael were sitting at the studio for a songwriting session. Luke and Calum were songwriting as well just not with us. They were back at the house while we had to go out to song write.

"Ok so Ashton, what do you think about this?" Michael asked me and then he started playing a cord on his guitar.

"Yea I think that sounds good, how about we-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. "Hold on," I say and pick up my phone, "it's Luke. I'll be right back." I tell Michael and then I step out into the hallway.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" I ask.


"Luke what's wrong? Are you ok?" I ask worriedly. He's not usually one to call me during a writing session.

"N-no, not really. It's just that-" I hear him sigh on the other line.

"Lukey, it's ok. You can tell me. What's the matter." I say in a calm tone. When he gets worked up he always like calmness. So if he's worked up and someone is talking loud and obnoxiously or someone is yelling, it can trigger his anxiety.

"It's just that.... it's just that I'm not good at song writing. Calum is here writing an amazing song and I can't even play a cord. I suck at song writing, I don't even wanna be here. I just wanna go home." Luke mumbles through to me.

"Lukey, why do you think that?" I ask him. He never doubts himself. This is really not good.

"Because. I haven't written a good song in almost 3 months. Management didn't like the songs that I wrote but they loved the songs that you, and Michael, and Calum write. No one cares about me. The fans even say that they hope I'm not writing any songs for the new album. I'm a terrible song writer. I should just quit." He rants. I didn't know what to say, he never acts like this.

"Lukey! No body thinks that! And so many people care about you. I do, Michael does, Calum does, the fans and your family. We all care about you. And as for the song writing, management didn't say that they hate the songs, they said that they'll put it on the EP just not the album. They liked them, they just didn't want them on the album but they still wanted people to hear them. And the fans have not been saying that. And if they had, it's all fake accounts that hate on everybody. Trust me, I've seen them all. There's a whole bunch of them, they don't mean anything. I promise." I assure him. I've seen all of the accounts and it's all the same person. They hate one everybody. Like Harry Styles, Miley Cyrus, Green Day, Justin Bieber, and Jacob Sartorius or how however you say his name.

"Mm, I guess." Luke mumbles. I can tell that he's shuffling in place because whenever someone tells him things like this he gets "embarrassed" or something and shuffles around. Like he's trying to hide.

"Lukey." I say.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"You're an amazing person."

"So are you. You're the best person." I
Smile at that.

"You're an amazing songwriter, friend, brother, uncle, bandmate, and more importantly, boyfriend. You're just overall amazing. And there's no one else out there like you, because you, are one of a kind." I list. I could've gone on and on but there wouldn't be enough time in the day to list everything amazing about Luke.

"Thank you ash. I truly love you."

"I love you too. Now go back and write an incredible song that will blow everyone away. Just like you always do."

"Ok, I will. Thank you." I don't get to respond before he hangs up. I chuckle and walk back into the room where Michael is messing around with his guitar.

"Everything all right mate?" Michael asks me once he notices me.

"Yea. Everything is perfect." I say with a big smile. He returns the smile and we both get back to writing.

And maybe later that night, Luke showed us his song and maybe, we were all blown away.

That's my boy..

A/n- ok so here's this lovelashton I hope it's ok.

And a big thank
You to gayboyharry for the new cover. They also made the cover for my new book "Up and Down and All Around" you guys should totally go check it out, it would mean a lot.

Oh and I'm working on the rest of the requests they just might take awhile.

Ok bye!!!


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