Paranormal Buisness

876 26 4

Request from DeansBabyImpala67

Prompt: Michael and Ashton are paranormal investigators and go to investigate a southern plantation in Louisiana where they run into two ghosts who were civil war soldiers. How will that end?

A/n- ok so they gave me this prompt like early this month and I haven't done it in forever because I have been so busy lately. And also trying to figure out the plot line and I think I got it so let's see how it ends up.


"Come on ash, hurry up!" Michael called out to his best friend and partner Ashton. The two are paranormal investigators and loved looking for ghosts or anything unnatural. They've been into things like that since they both were very young and talked about doing it when they were older, and here they are.

"I'm coming Jesus. Stop bitching." Ashton called back teasingly as he gathered the bags from the trunk. He was the only one getting their bags and equipment from the car because Michael was really excited about this particular spot. There has been reports of people seeing two ghosts in uniforms from the civil war. Some have said that they just see them and then they disappear, like they were never even there. While others have claimed that they've been attacked by the ghosts. And that is what Michael and Ashton are there to find out. What's true and not.

"I'm not bitching. I'm just excited to get into this plantation home. What do you think the ghosts will be like?" Michael asked as he turned the doorknob and opened the door.

Ashton thought for a moment, "I think that these ghosts won't harm us. I don't think they're the big bad mean ghosts people have reported." Michael nods his head in agreement.

"Alrighty, well," he says when they both are inside, "What do you say we go find the bedroom so we can put our stuff in there and go grab something to eat? I feel like we'll get more ghostly interactions when it's dark out." Michael suggested. Ashton agreed and then they went up the stairs and found the bedroom.

As they were setting up, they definitely got the feeling that they were not alone here. It kinda creeped them out but they're used to the feeling and just brushed it off and continued setting everything up for tonight. Once finished, they left the house and went to grab a bite to eat.


Later that night...

"Ok Mikey, what do you say I take the upstairs while you go and investigate the downstairs?" Ashton suggested. Michael agreed and the two went their separate ways.

The first room Ashton went in was the master bedroom at the end of the hallway farthest away from the room they were staying in.

The atmosphere in this room didn't feel off to Ashton at all. It felt pretty normal. He stayed in the room and stood there in silence in hopes of hearing anything, which he didn't. So, he decided to go into the office that was a couple doors down from the master bedroom. The atmosphere for this room definitely felt a little off to Ashton.

As he was walking around the room, he saw a picture of someone on the desk in the far corner. This man had, what looked to Ashton, dark colored hair that was rather long and curly. His eyes seemed bright, making Ashton believe that they were blue or green. He couldn't quite make out the colors since the picture was in black and white.

As Ashton was examining the picture, he heard a noise behind him causing him to jump and turn around. When he turned around, he was faced with a man that looked to be around Ashton's age if not maybe a year or two younger. He had bright blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that was very curly.

The man from the picture.

"Who are you?" He asked Ashton.

"Who are you?" Ashton asked back, even though it was the same question.

"I asked first." This man, or ghost, sassed back.

"My name is Ashton. Now who are you?" Ashton asked, surprisingly calm. When him and Michael go on these investigations, they've never actually come face to face with a ghost before. So this was pretty unreal.

"My name's Luke. I lived here before. This use to be my office." The ghost, Luke, said to Ashton while he looked around the office room.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"My parents forced me to join the army. Since the war just broke out and they needed more men to join and fight, they forced me into it instead of my brothers. I died on the seventh day of fighting. Along with my best friend Calum, he's here as well. He mostly hangs around downstairs because that where all of his things use to be. Pictures of his mum and dad, along with his sister." Luke explained to Ashton. Ashton was awestruck, not only was he talking to a ghost, but this ghost knew he was a ghost and was ok with it. He's explaining how he died as if it was just an ordinary thing.

"Well, I'm sorry for what happened to the both of you. I'm guessing you didn't want to join to army?" Ashton decided to make small talk with the ghost.

Luke smiled, "I didn't. Me and Calum were gonna be musicians but our parents wouldn't allow that, so they forced both of us into the army. Hoping to 'fix us' as well. Seeing that we both were not attracted to women." Ashton's eyes went wide. This ghost was gay, which wasn't a problem for Ashton because he was too.

Ashton was about to respond before the walkie talkie he had clipped to his belt went off.

"Ash, you wouldn't believe this. I'm talking to a ghost."

Michaels voice rang through the speaker.

Ashton grabbed the device and was going to respond to him but he looked up to Luke for permission.

"Go ahead, you can tell him." Luke smiled fondly at Ashton. Ashton couldn't help but blush under his gaze.

"I do believe you mike, because so am I." Ashton said, not taking his eyes off of Luke.

"This is so cool." Michael whispered back.

"You know," Luke started, "for how many people come and visit this place, no one quite as beautiful as you have come by." Luke smiled at Ashton once again.

And Ashton couldn't help but smile back.

A/n- so this was kinda short but I hope it's ok? Ik it's been a hot minute since I updated but I've been busy with school and all kinda other things going on so I hope this is ok.



Yea hope this was good 😂😂

-Lyd ❤️

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