Will you

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Luke smoothed out his shirt once again as he made his way over to Ashton, the boy he liked. They had been on a couple of dates and Luke wanted to take it to the next level and be able to call Ashton his.

Luke took a deep breath, "U-um, h-hey ash. Can I a-ask you something?" He said nervously.

"Of course Lukey. You don't have to be nervous, it's just me." Ashton reassured comfortably and rubbed Luke's arm.

Luke took another deep breath before just blurring out: "Doyouwannabemyboyfriend?"

"Come again?" Ashton laughed softly.

"R-right. Sorry," Luke shook his head before starting again slowly, "Do you wanna be my boyfriend....?"

Ashton's eyes widened lightly taking in the question.

He was silent for a few moments before saying,"Yes."

Luke's head snapped up to look at Ashton, who was smiling widely.

"Really?" Luke asked. "Yes Lukey, I'd love to be your boyfriend." Ashton smiled once again. Luke smiled as well before grabbing Ashton's hand and intertwining their fingers and began walking  away.

A/n- so this is short but something that happened today gave me inspiration for this.

The inspiration: I got asked out and now have a bf. Lolololololololo it was just over txt and not like this lol.


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