Lov{in}g storm

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Prompt: Luke and Ashton are together and live together. Luke gets home when a storm happens.

That's all I'm saying cause idfk how to explain it tbh. Lol. I just know it's gonna be cute.


It was around 11:30 at night and Ashton was standing in the kitchen, looking out the window. It was raining outside, he always found the rain to be soothing. No matter how hard or light it was. It could be a thunderstorm or a slight drizzle, he could be as content as he is when it's not raining. He was also looking for his boyfriends car. Luke, his boyfriend, already told him he would be home late but didn't tell him how late.

Ashton bit his lip slightly as he looked down the street from what was able to be seen from the window. He didn't see any headlights in the rain. He was a little worried but he knows Luke is always careful when it rains while driving. He makes sure he never goes over the speed limit, sometimes he goes a little below the speed limit as an extra precaution. He is always making sure of his surroundings, taking is every little detail to be as careful as possible. So he knows he has nothing to worry about, but he still wishes Luke would pick up the phone.

The more he listened to the pitter patter of the rain hitting the window, he felt calm. Ashton closed his eyes, his hands set on the side of the kitchen counter. He laid his head on his own shoulder and just listened to the rain.

Ashton was in his own little world, he didn't even notice the front door open and Luke walking in.

Luke hung up his jacket onto on of the hooks by the door and began walking towards the kitchen to find Ashton. He had stopped by a flower shop to buy Ashton some flowers because Luke thought they were just so beautiful, although they could never compare to Ashton. He set the bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table and walks up behind Ashton.

"Hey baby." He whispered into Ashton's ear and kissed his neck. At the same time Luke said this, a loud boom of thunder shook the house, making Ashton jump.

"Holy shit," Ashton jumped around to face Luke, setting a hand over his heart, "you scared the shit out of me." Luke chuckled and set his hands on Ashton's waist, kissing his forehead.

"Was it just me? Or the thunder as well?" Luke joked, smirking down at his shorter boyfriend. Ashton blushed, "More or less," He wrapped his arms around Luke's neck, "why were you so late?"

"I stopped to buy you flowers," Luke motioned his head in the direction of the flowers on the table, "I thought they were beautiful, so they reminded me of you and I bought them for you. One beautiful thing, deserves something almost as equally as beautiful. Even though nothing will be as beautiful as you." Ashton blushes more at Luke's words.

"I love you." He mumbles as he leans in to connect their lips. Luke gladly accepted the kiss, setting his hands into Ashton's hips. He then moved one hand up to cup Ashton's jaw, holding him in place.

Once they pulled away, they didn't move far apart. They could still feel each other's breath on their own lips.

"God," Luke whispered, "I will never get enough of that." He spoke quietly, caressing Ashtons cheek with his thumb. Ashton smiled before he pulled away from Luke completely and sitting on top of the kitchen counter.

"So," Ashton spoke, "why did you have to stay late at work?" Luke sighed, "The boss threw a bunch of work everyone's way and said he wanted it done by Monday, so I figured I might as well get it done now. Rather than wait." He explained.

"Mm." Ashton hummed, closing his eyes and listening to the rain again, leaning his head onto his shoulder once again. Luke smiled fondly as he looked at Ashton, moving over to him and wrapping his arms around Ashton's waist, nuzzling his face into Ashton's neck. Ashton opened his legs and allowed to Luke to stand in between them. Ashton wrapped his arms around Luke's neck and placed a kiss on his shoulder. Luke peppered kisses up and down Ashton's neck, making sure to shower Ashton in love.

Ashton let out a sigh of content and leaned his head on Luke's shoulder. Luke moved up and placed a kiss on Ashton's temple, setting his chin on top of the boys head.

Ashton had one arm completely wrapped around Luke's shoulders, and the other was wrapped underneath Luke's arm and his hand was on Luke's shoulder. He began to drift off, from listening to the rain so long and how late it was. Luke took notice of this and spoke up.

"Why don't we go to bed baby," he spoke quietly, "I know it's late and you're tired." He ran a gentle hand through Ashtons' curls. Ashton nodded tiredly, "Carry me though." He pouted against Luke's shoulder, causing Luke to chuckle. But he nodded and secured Ashton's legs around his waist, carrying him to the bed. Luke set Ashton down gently on the bed.

"Can I just stay in these clothes?" Ashton asked as he rolled onto his side and hid his face in Luke's pillow. Luke smiled at him, "You probably shouldn't. You don't want to lose the circulation in your legs from how tight those jeans are, do you? Although, I won't object, your ass looks great in them." Luke bit his lip as he looked at Ashton. Ashton blushed and hit Luke's shoulder, "Stop, I'm tired. Not tonight."

"Tomorrow night?" Luke suggested while wiggling his eyebrows. Ashton blushed again while rolling his eyes, "Tomorrow night." He agreed. Luke smiled and kissed Ashton hard on the lips before he pulled away and walked over to their shared dressed. He retrieved two pairs on sweatpants and walked back to Ashton. Ashton took the sweatpants and stood from the bed to change his pants but kept on his shirt. Which happened to be one of Luke's long sleeve shirts he loves. Luke did the same except kept his shirt off, he likes it better that way.

Luke was the first one to lay back down on the bed, pulling Ashton to him. Ashton leaned on one of his elbows and looked down at Luke. Luke was looking back at him, one hand cupping his cheek and his thumb caressing it.

Luke then leaned up and kissed around Ashton's neck, keeping his close. Ashton put his one free hand on Luke's chest and leaned into him. Luke was sucking on that one spot on his neck that made Ashton weak.

"Luke," Ashton whined, "I told you I'm tired. You can have me tomorrow." Ashton leaned his head on Luke's bare chest, pulling Luke away from his neck. Luke sighed dramatically, "Fine. I guess I can wait." Ashton giggled, making Luke smile and hold him closer.

He pulled the covers over the two of them, up to Ashton's shoulders. Ashton nuzzled his cheek in Luke's chest and closed his eyes, still hearing the rain and thunder from outside. His breathing soon evened out, also thanks to Luke who was massaging his head with his hand.

Once Luke noticed Ashton was asleep, he kissed the top of his head and fell asleep himself. The quiet sound of the rain still playing in the background.



-Lyd ❤️

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