Lucky one

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Once again another imagine I found on google lol. I switched it from girl to guy btw

Prompt: Seriously, the guy who marries Luke wins at life, like you get unlimited selfies, you can see him shirtless, you get to feel the lip piercing when he kisses you, you get to mess up his hair and hear him whine and see him pout about it afterward, you get to be the reason he smiles with his pearly whites and hear his precious laugh, you get to hold his hand... and just wow slow clappin' it out for you, whoever you are

Found on google so creds to whoever wrote that imagine lol


People always told Ashton that he was the luckiest guy in the world. He was engaged to the probably one of the biggest artists in the world at the moment, Luke Hemmings. They had been dating since their sophomore year in high school. Even back then, everyone was envious of him because he was the one that got the blonde hunks' heart. Luke was the guy who everyone wanted, they wanted to be the lucky one that was able to call Luke their's but none of them were able to. And they hated Ashton for the fact that he stole Luke's heart. He got a hell of a lot hate in sophomore year and half of their junior year when people finally just accepted that Luke was his and he wasn't leaving Ashton anytime soon.

Ashton left the hate of their relationship in high school. And then Luke got famous. It was already known that the two were a couple. So the hate came back, as well as the shippers. So back came the hate, but the love was just as equal.

Luke was currently touring North America and Ashton was joining him. There was a small break in between the concert dates so they got a nice hotel suite to spend the time in.

Luke was in the shower while Ashton was standing by the window and looking out onto the city. As of now they were in San Fransico and the sun was just beginning to set. Ashton was fiddling around with his engagement ring on his finger as he watched sun set. He began to think about all the things that people have said to him about his relationship with Luke, both the good and the bad things people have said. Luke always told him to not think about the hate involving their relationship but it's hard not to. Ashton can't just ignore the words he's heard most of his life with Luke. Luke hates that he listens to the hate and lets it get to him but he can't help it.

Ashton brought his hands up to his chest and he continued to think about the words about his relationship. His head titled the side as the sky began to change to a gorgeous pink-orange color. It was at that moment he felt warm arms snake around his waist and he smiled.

"Whatcha thinking about babe?" Luke asked as he kissed Ashton's neck. Ashton smiled as he turned around in Luke's arms, "What do you think I'm thinking about." he responded back as he messed around with the collar on Luke's shirt. Luke sighed and leaned down to press a kiss on Ashton's forehead. "Good or bad things?" Luke asked as he set his chin on top of Ashton's head. It wasn't uncommon for him think about all the things people have said about them.

"Both." Ashton responded. Luke closed his eyes and he swayed the two side to side.

"What have I told you about thinking about all the bad things that have been said about us being together?" Luke asked and placed a kiss on top of Ashton's head. It was Ashton's turn to sigh. "I know you've told me to not think about it all but it's hard not to," he took a deep breath, "I've heard the same things over and over again since we've been dating. It's hard just to let them go." He paused. Luke closed his eyes and held Ashton tighter.

Ashton took a deep breath before he pulled his head away from Luke's chest so he was able to look at his face.

"But then I think about all the good things that has been said too," he smiled as he looked at Luke, "like how I'm the reason you smile and that you're happy. And how I'm lucky enough to hear your laugh everyday, or how I get the honor of being able to selfies with you. Or how I'm the one who gets to mess up your hair and watch you pout about it aftwerwards," Ashton continued to smile as he ran his fingers through Luke's hair, messing up slightly. Luke pouted as a joke and Ashton laughed fondly at him, "or how I am the lucky one," he leans slightly, "who gets to feel your piercing against my lips when we kiss. And how everyone wishes they could feel that." Ashton looked into Luke's eyes before he pressed their lips together, his fingers tangling in Luke's hair. Luke's hand set on Ashton's hips as they kissed.

They kissed for a few minutes before Ashton pulled away first. Luke chasing his lips, but Ashton continued to pull his head away. "Not so fast rockstar." He joked as he continued to lean back, Luke had to wrap his arms around Ashton's back. Ashton laughed as Luke held him up as he leaned back in his arms, his own arms wrapped around Luke's neck. Luke smiling as he walked back until Ashton's back was pressed against the window when he could finally lean back in to kiss him. The two smiled into the kiss. Luke pushed Ashton into the window with his weight as they continued their make out session. Ashton giggled as they pulled away.

Luke stared at him with so much fondness in his eyes that Ashton almost melted.

"Ya know," Luke puts his hands on both sides on Ashton's head, caging him in, "you keep saying that you're the lucky one, but I think I'm the lucky one. I mean I managed to snag the greatest guy that has ever walked this Earth," he smirks at Ashton who blushes, "I mean look at you. Someone like you could get any guy they wanted, and yet you've decided to deal with me all these years. Put up with all my flaws and being so damn good about me being famous and leaving a lot and putting a hell of a lot of hours into music." Luke then grabbed the hand where Ashton's engagement ring was located on, pressing the knuckles to his lips, "And most importantly, saying yes to me. Saying you want to spend the rest of your life with me. That in itself, makes me the luckiest guy, in the universe." Luke pressed another passionate kiss to Ashton's lips.

Ashton responded by pushing up on his toes to kiss Luke deeper.

They pulled away a few minutes later breathless. "I love you." Ashton mumbled, staring deep into Luke's eyes. Luke smiled and repeated the same three words back before he picked Ashton up by the back of his thighs and wrapped his legs around his waist.

Ashton giggled loudly as Luke carried him through the hotel suite room till they reached the bedroom where Luke smiled as he laid Ashton down and kissed him. Everything else left behind them as they kissed, nothing else mattered. As it turned out, they both were the lucky ones.



I kinda like this one too, but do y'all? I mean it's not the best but it's good. Sooooooooooooo, comments? Was it good or not that much? hmmmmm let me know down below.

No one answered the questions in the last one shot where I asked how old do y'all think I am so, oh well.

Any way, I hope you enjoyed this update and the last one 💓💓
-Lyd 💓

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