Stress storm

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A/n- welp there's a storm here and it's not calming down and I can't sleep and my radio doesn't want to work so I'm lowkey scared cause I don't like being in silence in a storm so yea imma try and write LETS SEE HOW THIS GOES SHALL WE

<<Lol i wrote that when there was a big ass storm and funny im continuing it while it's raining again>>  

Also im making this like 2015!ash and 2015!luke so yeeeeeee


Ashton usually worked late about one day a week, but for some reason, he hasn't been getting off work till well after 11:30. And then when he gets home, he has online school to do. Since his work schedule is so time consuming, he doesn't have time to actually go to a college campus. So he is taking classes online. On top of that, he has a relationship to maintain. So, saying he was stressed was an understatement. Coming home close to midnight, seeing his boyfriend already eaten dinner and asleep in bed, wasn't exactly the best feeling. Of course Luke, his boyfriend, understood his schedule was very time consuming but it helps pay the bills. So he doesn't complain, he knows it's apart of life. 

Ashton on the other hand, was scared him not being around all the time would drive Luke away. That stressed him out even more. He didn't want to lose Luke.


It was a Friday evening when Ashton got off work, early this time. It was only around 5:30 when he left his work. Downside was that it was storming. It had been for the past couple days but today it was coming down a but harder and there was more thunder. 

Ashton pulled into the driveway of the house that he and his boyfriend lived in. He had already gotten drenched by the rain, so he wasn't exactly in the best of moods, even with getting off work early. And to top it all off, he had a pounding headache.

He left all his work in the car because he didn't feel like dealing with it at the moment. He hurried his way inside to avoid getting even more wet than he already was. He unlocked the front door and hurriedly shut it because of the rain. He hung his jacket up by the door on the coat rack and set his keys on the table beside the door. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his long hair and turned around to find his boyfriend standing against the door frame from the kitchen. 

"Well you're home early." Luke said as he pushed himself off the door and walked over to Ashton, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Yea, I was finally able to finish something early for once." Ashton sighed and leaned his forehead against Luke while closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around Luke's waist. Luke hummed and pressed a kiss to Ashton's forehead. "You feeling okay? Your head feels warm." Luke mumbled against his forehead. 

"My head hurts 's all." Ashton replies back. "How about you go change into some dry clothes and I'll get you some advil, yea?" Ashton nods his head and kissed Luke's forehead before pulling away and going upstairs to change out of his cold, damp clothes. 

He changes into a tight long sleeve dark green shirt and a pair of grey joggers. He debated on whether or not he wanted to pull his hair up but decided against it. Once he finished changing, he walked back down stairs to find Luke, hands in his pockets as he walks. 

"Hey babe," Luke says, "I found advil and here's something you can drink with the pills." he handed the items over to Ashton, who takes the pills and then downs half the water. "Thank you." He tells Luke, who smiles and sits on top of the counter top. 

"So," Luke starts, "You got off early on the right day because I was ordering out. I don't really feel like cooking so, what do you feel like eating?" He asks Ashton who was now standing beside him. 

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