My job

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Once again, another imagine from google lol

Prompt: imagine Luke giggling like a maniac as you try to reach something on the top shelf and whenever you asked him to get is for you he would shake his head like a child and laugh harder and when you were finally  fed up with him you lazily grabbed the stool but once you stepped onto it he pulled you back by wrapping his arms around your waist screaming "nO STOP I'LL GET IT FOR YOU! IT'S MY JOB"

So it originally said ashton but I changed it to Luke because he tops over ash sorrynotsorry hehe

I apologize for this being short in advance lol


Ashton was never tall. He was an average height for guys his age and all, but his boyfriend was not. His boyfriend is a good 5-7 inches taller than him. He often enjoys to watch Ashton struggle when reaching for objects on a high place. Today was no different. 

Ashton is trying to reach one of his favorite mugs his mother gave to him for his and Luke's, his boyfriend, 4 year anniversary of dating. They got together when the two graduated from the same college. They were close friends before they started dating but wanted to wait to actually get together when they didn't have so much on their plates. Anyways, Anne had gotten Ashton a mug with a picture of the couple at a Christmas one year when it was snowing. It was his favorite. But it magically moved to the top shelf in the kitchen when he could've sworn he put it on one of the lowest shelves. So here he is, struggling to get his mug from the top shelf. His boyfriend laughing behind him.

"Luke," Ashton whines, dragging his name out, "can you please help me get my mug from the top shelf?" Luke just continued giggling like a maniac, shaking his head. "No can do babe, as cruel as it sounds, I like to watch you struggle." 

Ashton groaned as he continued to try and get his mug, "You know, sometimes I really hate you, Luke." Luke continued giggling at him. 

No matter how many times Ashton begged him to help him get his mug, Luke would shake his head and continue laughing. 

That was until Ashton had had enough and decided to get one of the bar stools from the table as help. He barely even got one foot on the stool before he felt two arms wrap around his waist and pull him away from the stool.

"No!"  Luke whined, "That's my job! I'll get it for you." He said before he returned the stool back to the table and reached up to the shelf and grabbed the mug with no struggle. He brought his hand down and turned back to Ashton with the mug in his hand. 

"Thank you." Ashton said as he reached his hand out for his mug, but Luke moved his hand up over Ashton's head, smirking. "You can try and get it now." Luke smirks at his shorter boyfriend. Ashton glares at Luke before he tried to get his mug back, only to have Luke extend his arm higher.

Ashton groaned and pouted at his boyfriend, "Lukeyyy, please give me my mug back. Please?" Ashton pouted up at Luke. 

Luke sighed as he wrapped his free arm around Ashton's waist and pulled him close, "You and that damn pout." Ashton pouted again before wrapping his arms around Luke's neck and pulling him down for a kiss. Luke, without thinking, brought his other arm around Ashton's waist as well. And Ashton then grabbed his mug when Luke wasn't expecting it and giggled against his boyfriends lips. 

Luke sighed and pulled away, opening his eyes to see an innocent smile on Ashton's face, "You're lucky I love you." he mumbles to Ashton. Ashton giggle again, "I know." he says before the pulls Luke's face to his again. 


A/N:  Well would ya look at that. Another update? Who am I? lol

I'm still writing this on a laptop to I apologize for any errors in this. Soooooooooooo what did ya think of this one? Requests? Maybe? meh



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