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Ashton's POV

It had been snowing for almost a week and the temperature was dropping more and more by the minute. I was currently bundled up under at least 4 or 5 blankets to stay warm and I was finding no such luck. It's time like these when I wish my boyfriend, Luke, didn't have to go spend a few nights with his parents who only lived 10 minutes away from our apartment.

I was so close to calling him and asking him to come back just so he could cuddle me and we can keep each other warm. I grab my phone from the table and took a look at the time.

12:15 pm

I remembered that Luke once told me that his parents work until 3:00 so I decided that I would call him and ask if he could come home for a few hours.

I clicked his contact name and it rang three times before he answered happily, "Hey ash. What's up?"

"H-hey. Do y-you think you can c-come back h-home for a few hours?" I ask him shivering, which was making me stutter on my words when talking to him.

"Why? Are you ok? You sound sick."

"I'm f-fine. I'm just r-really c-cold and the heater b-broke so it's only cold air c-coming in the a-apartment."

"Awe. My poor baby. You want me to come home and cuddle you?" He says to me sweetly. I blush at his nickname before telling him yes.

"Ok. I'll be over in 10 minutes ok babe."

"O-okay. I love you l-Lukey."

"I love you too baby. I'll see you soon."

And with that we hung up and I went back to burying myself with blankets.

10 minutes later, I hear a knock on the front door. I get up from my cocoon of blankets and get up to answer it shivering. When I open the door, I was met with Luke's beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey baby," He says to me and pressed a small kiss to me cold lips, "Oh my god you're so cold. Let's go get you warm." I didn't protest with that. I moved aside and he walked into our shared apartment.

He walked in and shut the door. As soon as he got into the living where I was sitting he shivered as well.

"I see why you wanted me to come home. It's freezing in here." He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered.

"Mhm." Was all I said and then buried myself once again with blankets.

"Hey. C'mere. You said you wanted me to cuddle you and I'm here but we're not cuddling." Luke pouted. I chuckled at him but sat up slowly due to being covered in warm blankets.

He smiled at me and brought me into his warm embrace. He felt so warm compared to the blankets. I snuggled into his side while he leaned back on the couch cushions.

I had quit shivering while being cuddled up next to Luke and started to doze off. I was almost asleep but Luke said, "Hey, why don't we go up bed, get pjs on and go to sleep for a little bit?" He ran his fingers through my curls while talking quietly knowing that I was close to being asleep.

I nodded and he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He set me down on the bed and went over to our shared dresser and pulled out two pairs of sweatpants and two random shirts. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I went to grab the sweatpants and t-shirt from him but he pulled his hand back.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're tired. Let me do it." He insisted. "But Lukeyyyy." I whined. He gave a stern look. "At least let me put on the sweatpants. Please?" I pleaded. He sighed in defeat and nodded. I thanked him and he kissed my temple.

He lifted my shirt over my head and I covered my exposed top with my arms and began to shiver worse. My teeth began chattering and Luke quickly put on the new shirt. "Sorry baby." He apologized.

"I-its o-ok." I responded. "Here's the sweatpants. I'll change too." He said handing me the sweatpants. I changed out of my skinny jeans and into the warm sweatpants. Luke did the same.

"Wait. Don't you have to go back to y-your p-parents house?" I asked him when he went to get in the bed with me. "Shh. Don't worry about that. I already called my mum and told her. My bag is in the car. I'll go out and get it later." He assured me.

"O-okay." I replied, then I started coughing. "Are you okay? That cough didn't sound so good baby." Luke asked me and cupped my cheek. I sneezed a couple times before answering him.

" 'M f-fine. Can we j-just go t-to sleep?"

"Course sweetheart." He brought me under the covers and into his arms bringing me into his chest. He pulled the covers up to where they were at his shoulders, but at basically at my ears due to the fact of me being cuddled into his chest. He rans his fingers through my hair, humming softly.

Of course the moment was ruined when I started to cough again though. "Ashton. I think you're getting sick." Luke told me.


"I don't think it's a good idea to stay here when there's no heat and it's snowing outside. Why don't we go back to my mums place after all? It'll be warmer there."

"C-can we at l-least sleep f-first? 'M tired." I replied. "Yea baby. We can go later. Go to sleep baby. I'll be right here." He kissed the top of my head. I snuggled deeper into his chest feeling his warmth surrounding me. Luke began running his fingers through my hair and humming again.

I soon fell asleep feeling warm for the first time all day.
A/n- um. Ok? Hi. How was the first one shot?

Um. Ok. Well. Bye. I'm so awkward.

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