Fight for love

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Request from lovelashton

A/n- I hope this is ok!


They were at it again. Fighting. It was late at night, and Luke and Ashton were at each other's throats once again. Their little girl Kylie was asleep so they didn't have to worry about her hearing them, or so they thought.

"Ugh Luke! Why do you always leave so unexpectedly! You never even spend time with Kylie anymore!" Ashton spat at Luke.

"Well maybe I keep leaving to get away from you and all your yelling!" Luke exclaimed.

"I can't even believe you! I bet you're cheating. That's the thing isn't it. You're tired of me and Kylie, so you found someone else." Ashton glared at Luke. Luke scoffed, "Are you even listening to yourself? Why would you think I'd cheat on you? I married you for Christ's sake! If I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't have done that. Sometimes you need to think things through!" Luke screamed, his voice raising higher unintentionally.

"You know what," Ashton spoke quietly, "I'm going to bed. You can sleep on the couch." He said harshly before walking away.

As he was walking down the hallway towards the bedroom, he passed Kylie's room and heard choked sobs coming from the room.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and slowly opened the door, "Kylie?"

A sniffle followed, "Yea?" Kylie said quietly.

"Are you ok? I heard crying, what's wrong honey?" Ashton asked, his mothering instincts kicking in.

The 13 year old sat up and said, "Why are you and dad always fighting? What's gonna happen between you two? Are you fighting because of me?" More tears spilled from Kylie's eyes, seeming as if they would never stop.

"Oh Kylie," Ashton breathed out, hugging his daughter close to his body, "No no no, we're not fighting over you. And I don't know why we're always fighting, I don't want anything to happened between us. He's all I have besides you." Ashton began crying too.

"I don't want you guys to break up." Kylie mumbled through her sobs.

"I don't either." Ashton's tears are falling into Kylie's head and he cries as well.

As they hold each other crying, Luke is standing at the bedroom door watching and listening to them. He's crying as well knowing that he's cause his family so much pain and heartache.

"Damn it." Luke mumbles to himself and rushes back to the living room, gripping his hair in an angry force. As he listens to his husband and daughter cry, and Ashton singing softly to calm her down, he loses it.

"God!" He screams not meaning to. He ends up kicking the wall before sliding down it.

When he kicked the wall, a picture fell from it. He shakily picked it up and looked at it. It was from when he decided to take Ashton and Kylie to Disney land in Florida. They had managed to find someone to take their picture right in from of the castle and the fireworks went off. Kylie was making a weird yet cute face, while Luke was holding Ashton close and kissing his cheek.

Luke choked back more sobs looking at the photo.

When it fell, it must've made a noise because before he knew it, Ashton and Kylie were rushing into the living room.

"Luke?" Ashton said before gasping, seeing his husband on the floor crying holding a broken picture.

"I-i-I'm sorry." Luke choked out after sobs.

"Dad.." Kylie rushed over to Luke and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." Luke kept on repeating. He held his daughter close and cried into her hair.

"Luke, your hand." Ashton observed. His hand was bleeding.

Luke pulled away from his daughter and just looked at his hand, not moving.

"Luke we have to do something about it." Ashton said, crawling on the floor next to him. He began to reach towards Luke hand but Luke pulled it away, "Leave it. I deserve this. I've cause you two so much pain and heartache, I deserve the pain. I'm so sorry you two. Kylie, I'm sorry for not spending time with you. I'm a terrible father. A father is supposed to love and be there for his daughter but I'm never there for you. Im so sorry." Luke mumbled through fresh tears to Kylie, who is also crying and trying to assure him that he's not a bad dad.

"Ash, I'm sorry for always leaving. And not telling you where I'm going. I know it looks sketchy but I was planning a surprise for the two of you. I never meant what I said to you earlier. I love you so much. Please forgive me." Luke begged before falling into Ashton's embrace.

"It's ok Luke, it's ok." Ashton mumbled, holding him close. He buried his face into Luke's hair and silently cried.

Kylie watched as her two dads seemed to be making up. She then wormed her way underneath Luke's and Ashton's arms and cuddled into her fathers chest.

Luke took notice that she was there a pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm sorry you two. I'm a horrible husband and father. I don't deserve you two." Luke said.

"Luke, don't say that. You're an amazing husband and dad. You took us to Florida, you took Kylie to her first concert. You took me on a blind date which was the best I've ever had. Please Luke, I love you, Kylie loves you, we love you. So much Luke." Ashton mumbled into Luke's hair, leaving kisses there.

"Yea dad, I love you. I don't want anything to ever happen to you two." Kylie chimed in, hugging Luke tighter.

"I love you guys too," Luke said, kissing Kylie's head before cleaning his neck and placing a light kiss on Ashton's lips, "please forgive me. I'm sorry."

"We forgive you." Ashton and Kylie spoke at the same time.

Luke gave a weak chuckle and said,"Always like your father Kylie."

Now it was Kylie's turn to laugh, "And you always know how to make us laugh when we're all upset." She said.

"I love you Kylie. I'm sorry for neglecting you." Luke says, hugging his daughter closer to his body.

Ashton had let go of Luke and sat to the  side watching his daughter and husband. Luke took notice of this and let go of Kylie and pulled Ashton to him.

"Ashton, I'm so sorry for not being here all the time. Please forgive me?" Luke spoke in such a vulnerable voice. Ashton has never seen him like this before.

"Of course I forgive you Lukey. It's ok. Stop crying, everything's ok." Ashton said. Luke pulled Ashton in a pressed their lips together.

"Can you two make up now and be happy?" Kylie interrupted the two. The two broke apart and chuckled.

"Yes, I'll try and do better." Luke said.

"I'll try not to jump to conclusions. I love you Lukey." Ashton kisses Luke's forehead.

"I love you too ash," Luke then turns to Kylie, "and I love you baby girl." He leans in and kisses Kylie's forehead.

"I love you too dad." Kylie replies leaning into his touch before she's completely engulfed by his embrace.

"Come on, let's go to sleep you two, and Luke, you're coming with me." Ashton says and helps the two up from the floor. Luke smiles and stands up, Kylie stands up as well, just in time for Luke to pick her up and fling her over his shoulder and runs down the hallway.

Kylie screams and begins laughing, Luke and Ashton are laughing as well.

Maybe, Ashton thinks, everything will be ok.

A/n- I felt the need to listen to broken home writing this lol.

Hope you liked it!!


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