First Fight

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I thought that this would be really cute, I'm working on three more one shots so most likely any of my other stories won't be updated for awhile.


"Hey babe." Luke smiled through the phone. Him and his boyfriend were on FaceTime together. It was about 9:30 at night and they had school tomorrow so they should be sleeping, but they didn't care.

"Hiya Lukey." Ashton giggles back.

"What are you doing princess?" Luke smirks. He's wearing a black tank top with a burgundy SnapBack on. Ashton thought that he looked 100% stunning right now. Just downright hot.

"Oh nothing, hanging around the house." Ashton smiles back. He's wearing his favorite jumper that he stole from Luke with some skinny jeans on. He still hasn't changed since he got home from school.

"Where are you?" Luke asked trying to look around behind Ashton, "I don't recognize anything in the room."

"Oh, I'm in my house. Mainly guests stay in this room." Ashton says, looking up from the phone to look around the room.

Actually, this use to be Ashton's grandmother's room when she was still alive. She would stay with Ashton's family because she got to the age where she couldn't do much on her own or be alone for periods of times. Everything in this room was hers. Things she made herself, and what she got when she traveled.

"Oh, I feel sorry for the guests. That carpet hanging on the wall isn't exactly the best looking." Luke said eyeing the carpet behind Ashton. Ashton turned around and his breath hitched. That was the last thing that his grandmother ever made before she passed. She personally gave it to Ashton. It means so much to him. And his lover just called it ugly.

Ashton blinked his eyes a few times before turning back to the phone, "I gotta go. Bye." He mumbled out.

"Wait-" Luke tried saying but Ashton hung up.

"That was weird." Luke mumbled to himself.


"Hey ash you alright, you seem kinda down. What's the matter?" Michael, a friend of Ashton's, asked.

"You know that room in my house where all my grandmother's things are?" Ashton said, closing his locker.

"Yea. Why?" Michael asked.

"Well, I was on FaceTime with Luke last night, and I was in that room. He said-" Ashton took a breath, "he said that the rug that my grandmother gave to me right before she passed was ugly. And that he feels bad for the guests who have to stay in that room because I told him it was that guest room, he said he feels bad for them because it was exactly the best looking thing." Ashton explained.

"Are you serious?" Ashton nodded. "Did you ever tell him that it was your grandmothers things?"

"Yea, he's been in that room one time. I've told him what it means to me, and he said that." Ashton said.

"That asshole," Michael said, "Have you talked to him today?" Ashton shook his head. "Well here he comes now."

Ashton tensed up when he felt arms snake around his waist.

"Hey baby." Luke said pressing a kiss to his temple.

Ashton pushed him away and said, "Don't talk to me." And then he walked away.

"Did I do something?" Luke asked Michael who was glaring at him.

"Yea, you did." Michael spat. "What'd I do?" Luke asked.

"You made fun of that carpet in the 'guest room' which actually wasn't a guest room. That was his grandmothers room before she passed away Luke. That carpet was the last thing she ever gave to Ashton. It means so much to him, it holds a lot of value, and you made fun of it. So yes Luke, you did something. And you better find a way to fix it." Michael spat at Luke before walking away.

Luke stared at the ground where Michael was just standing, taking in everything that he just told him.

"Dammit." Luke said before rushing to find Ashton.


Luke had been looking for Ashton ever since second period, but he was no where to be found. He knows Ashton's schedule by heart. He's looked in every one of his classes and he's not there.

Luke decided that at lunch he would ditch school and try to look for Ashton at his house.

By the time lunch time rolled around, all the teachers weren't even paying attention to any students so he just walked out of the building, unnoticed.

He made his way towards Ashton's house and found the spare key.

Luke closed the door behind him and made his way towards where he thinks Ashton is.

"Ash?" He spoke softly as he made his way into Ashton's room. But it was empty. Luke stepped into the room and walked around.

He stopped by a picture hanging up on the wall. It was of Ashton at a hospital sitting next to a lady, his grandmother Luke assumed. She was sitting in a hospital bed with a carpet on her lap. Luke moved along and saw another picture where she was handing the carpet to Ashton, who Luke could tell had tears streaming down his face.

"What are you doing here?" Luke heard a voice say harshly behind him. He jumped and spun around to see Ashton standing by the door with his arms crossed.

"Ash, I was trying to find you. You left school, I was coming to talk to you." Luke rushed out, coming over to Ashton.

"To talk to me about what?" Ashton said taking a step away from Luke.

"Listen Ashton I'm so sorry, I had no idea that the carpet meant so much to you. I had no reason to say that. I shouldn't have even said anything. I didn't know that your grandmother gave you it. I'm so sorry." Luke apologized, grabbing onto Ashton's hand.

"Luke," Ashton started, "You knew how much that meant to me. You've been in that room before. I've told you about that exact carpet before. I've told you what it meant to me. And you didn't even care." Ashton spoke with his voice cracking.

"I know, I should've been thinking, but I wasn't. And I'm so sorry. I didn't remember that room. And that's my fault. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me bug." Luke pleaded.

Ashton looked at him for awhile, thinking before saying, "I forgive you Luke. Just- please don't do that again." He sighed out.

"I won't I promise. I love you so much love." Luke immediately rushed out. "I love you too." Ashton mumbled before walking into Luke's arms and cuddling into his chest.

Luke held him close and kept whispering in his ear 'I'm so sorry' and 'I love you'.

"I love you too. And hey guess what." Ashton said, smiling up at Luke.


"That was our first fight." Ashton said. Luke chuckled and nodded, "Let's hope for no more. I love you."

"I love you too."


A/n- I thought this was cute(?)

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