Operation perfection

953 31 1

Request by lovelashton

Prompt: Luke is insecure and wants to get operations to fix his insecurities and Ashton gets him not to.


It was a normal day for Ashton and Luke. They were at home by themselves, lounging around. Luke was in the kitchen taking care of some work he brought home and Ashton was cleaning the living room. He tries to help out the most by cleaning, Luke is always busy with work and most of the time has to bring it home and work on it. So Ashton does most of the cleaning and some of the cooking. Luke says he feels like he doesn't contribute enough so he wants to cook as well, and Ashton is always more than happy to let Luke cook because Luke is an amazing cook. He wishes Luke would cook all the time but he has work.

Anyway, Ashton was in the living room putting away the last little bit of things that were left over from when they had some friends over. Luke was in the kitchen and Ashton could hear he was on the phone. He didn't know with who, but all he knew is that he could hear Luke talking. He walked into the kitchen and caught the last little bit of what Luke was saying.

"Yes, that sounds about right. I believe that my insurance will handle the medical bills." He said and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

Now Ashton knew what he was talking about. A while ago, Luke had told Ashton that he was very insecure about his body and wanted to have surgery to make him feel better about himself. Ashton eventually talked him not to but here he is, trying to make an appointment. Ashton hated it that Luke was trying to change his whole body. And he wanted to somehow change his mind about it. So, Ashton takes the phone from him.

"Yes, hello," Ashton says when he takes the phone, "please cancel everything. It will not be necessary anymore."

Luke was yelling at Ashton to give him the phone back but he wouldn't budge.

Ashton continued talking, "Yes the operations are no longer necessary so cancel them all. Have a nice day." And with that, he hung up and finally gave the phone back to a very upset Luke.

"Ashton!" Luke exclaimed, "why would you do that?!"

"Because," Ashton replied, "you are perfect the way you are! You don't need any surgeries to fix anything about you." Ashton threw his arms up in the air because he just can't stand it when such a beautiful person like Luke says things like this about themselves.

"You're wrong. So much about me needs to be fixed. My legs are too long and I always have to look down at everyone. And I hate it. My butt is too flat. I want it to be bigger. My arms, they look like twigs. And don't even get me started on my stomach. That needs the most work. All the extra fat, and stubborn weight that just won't leave. It all goes to my hips making them look even more big than they need to be. My chest is too flat. As well as my butt, all the skin that I want to make the parts of me that I might actually like are in the wrong parts. I hate myself Ashton. I just want to change everything about me. And getting those surgeries may have been the only ways to do so. And you just ruined all of that. It took me months to actually get everything lined up and dates set. And you just called it all off so now I don't know what to do because I just wanted to be happy with myself and, " Luke ranted, tears in his eyes. Ashton couldn't bare to hear Luke talk about himself like this. So he cut him off with a short and sweet, loving kiss.

Luke tensed for a moment before he relaxed and allowed himself to be kissed. He set his hands on Ashton's chest as Ashton wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer.

It wasn't until Ashton finally pulled away that Luke moved closer to him, setting his head on his chest.

"Hey," Ashton whispered, "look at me. Please baby." Luke hesitatingly looked up into Ashton's eyes.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that about yourself ever again. The surgeries wouldn't make any of it better love, you wouldn't truly be happy with your body because it would only make it worse. All the procedures, that would only hurt your body. And your body is perfect the way it is. Every little detail is amazing. Everything, there isn't one thing about your body that I don't love and that isn't perfect. I can never get enough of just looking at your body. It makes me jealous sometimes. Seeing how fit you are. And what great shape you are. Makes me wish I looked like that," Ashton paused as Luke was about to say something.

"Really?" Luke whispers.

"Yes really," Ashton smiles fondly down at Luke, "your body is just so perfect. And it kills me to hear you say all these negative things about yourself. Because no one, as beautiful as you should ever feel this way. And I know I can't stop you from thinking what you think because I can't control what happens in your head, and it hurts because I want you happy. I want you to feel good about yourself. I want you to be confident and ready to make everyone jealous because your body is better than theirs. But I know I can't make you think a certain way." Ashton says, rubbing Luke's side.

Luke is locked in on what Ashton is saying, taking every little detail.

Ashton continued, "So, I'll tell you this. If you still want to go through with all the surgeries and operations, after everything I've said here, I'll pay for it all. If it will make you happy, then I'll pay for it all." Ashton said. Luke's mouth dropped. He was at a loss for words, unable to think of a response. Instead, he launched himself at Ashton, connecting their lips together in a feverish kiss. Luke kissed him with such force, only described as love.

When Luke pulled away, he looked Ashton in the eyes. He had a little sparkle in them.

"I don't want to do the surgeries." Luke whispered.


"I don't want to do the surgeries. Not after what you said. My body and what I think about it may mean a lot to me, but that meant so much more." Luke whispered, looking away from Ashton's eyes.

Ashton couldn't help but smile. He lifted Luke up into the air and hugged him tightly. Luke squealed and giggled.

"I love you Luke." Ashton said and kissed the top of Luke's nose.

"I love you too ash." Luke replied, cupping Ashton's cheeks in his hands.

"You and everything about you."


A/n- MERRY CHRISTMAS (to those who celebrate it) GUYS. GIRLY GOT THE 5SOS 2018 CALENDAARRR. AND I ORDERED THE SWEATSHIRT FROM HOTTOPIC TODAY. ANYWAYYYYYY. Here's the other one shot requested, I think that does it for the requests. If not, dm me again and I'll do it.


-Lyd 🖤

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