"Kakashi! You and your team have been requested by Lord Hokage." A woman said, running up to us once we entered the village gates. "Thank you, Anko. Did he state why?" Kakashi asked. "Knowing the old man, we're probably in trouble." Naruto said, huffing. "He didn't. But it sounded urgent." She said. "Alright. You heard her. Let's go." Kakashi said as we ran to the hokage's house. We walked through the front doors and got escorted up to his office. "Kakashi. I am glad came." He said.
He looked at us and smiled a bit. "And as I had requested, the team is here as well. Good. You four. Step forward." Lord Hokage said, rising from his seat. We walked around Kakashi and stood in front of the desk. "I have brought you all here today for a reason. Kakashi. You have helped these children bloom into wonderful ninjas. Each has their own room for improvement but they're impressive, nonetheless." He began. Azamuku knew exactly where this was going and quickly raised her hand.
"Yes, Azamuku?" He asked. She bowed quickly before speaking. "Please forgive my interruption. But I would like to tell them of my story before you do. I feel it means more coming from me." She said, leaving the rest of us shocked.
"I believe you are right." He said. "Thank you." She said, straightening herself and facing us. "Guys. I feel like you should know what was about to be said from me. I planned on telling you but didn't think it would come so early." She began. "When I was a kid, my family and half my village was killed off by the Akastuki. I then moved to the sand village on my own and lived with Gaara and the other 2. While there, I had encountered many battles with said rogue group. They had an interest in me so they tasked me to do some... unforgivable acts." She continued.
"Like what?" Naruto asked. "I had to kill..." She said, hanging her head. "I had to force myself to do as tasked in order to get in. I didn't want to be there for the thrill off it. I had set myself on a mission much similar to Sasuke's. I wanted to kill those who killed my family." She said, small tears falling down her cheeks. "In turn, I had to gather information on you all as well as purposely shatter Sasuke to a point of near madness." She quietly said.
"I never enjoyed any mission I did. And I most certainly didn't enjoy being around Pein." She said through clenched teeth. "I never wanted to betray anyone's trust. Especially yours, Sasuke. I only wanted to live out what I wanted to do. So in high hopes, I ask that after you've heard my back story, you will forgive me." She said, bowing.
"We do. But..." Naruto started. "If you were in the Akastuki, how are you alive still? They're all on a 'kill on sight" list. Wouldn't you have been too?" Sakura finished off. Lord Hokage gave a soft chuckle which caught my attention. I stayed quiet as I looked around, waiting for a response. There was something off about the papers on the wall. Then the reasoning clicked. They were notes of each member of the Akatsuki. Photos taken of where they've been. Some mid battle. "It's absolutely brilliant." I said in disbelief. "What are you talking about, sasuke?" Sakura asked. "Look around. All of these bits of paper? Her name was nowhere on that list because everyone knew." I said.
"Please explain, Sasuke." Kakashi said, just as interested as the other 2. "She made an agreement with the sand village that if she joined, she was to bring back information in exchange for protection." I said. "I see. So once under protection, she had to carry out her missions with the Akatsuki even if it meant fighting. And in doing so, each village was communicating of her and how she is not to be killed." Kakashi said.
"So you had to still fight people you loved...?" Sakura asked. "Yes. But in battle, I'd slip word to them that I'd put them in a simulated death trance in order to make it seem like I was doing as needed. Then one day I was told I had to come here. When I heard I was doing research on you four, I knew it was my chance. They were sending me away for an extended period of time to gather what I needed. That time period was up when Itachi came to get me." She said, looking at us.
"And I believe you all know the rest." Hokage said. "Which now brings me to my reason for calling you here." He continued. "You have all increased greatly in skill. You grew up at an alarming rate. I have called you in to say that I believe you are all ready for this exam. You are to be accepted without question. You don't need the applications. On testing day show up and take your place." He finished.
"Alright! You hear that, world!? Team seven is coming out on top!" Naruto shouted. Azamuku and I both sighed and looked at each other. She grinned at me and I grinned back, knowing we were thinking the same thing. "What a loud mouth knuckle head."

Fire style: Burning Love Jutsu
FanfictionIt's placement day! A day where everyone gets put into a team of 3 and are able to call themselves ninja. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura are put together only to find out that a transfer student is added on, unexpectedly. She's beautiful and comes off a...