"It seems you know me but I have no idea who you are." Kankuro stated, unsure of whether to hug her back. "You big idiot! It's me! Do you not recognize me?" She said stepping back and holding her arms out. She did a little twirl before spotting a blonde female. "Temari! Oh my God it's so good to see you!" Azamuku said, hugging the female.
"Muku? Well how about that?" Temari said, hugging back. "You're kidding me. There's no way that's Muku." Kankuro said looking her up and down. Azamuku spun on her heels and glared at him. "Really, you cat looking bastard...? Do I have to tell everyone what happened at the house when I was little? About how Temari dressed-" She's started.
Kankuro cut her off by covering her mouth. "Hi! Nice to see you again!" He said before removing his hand. "My. You're not a little girl anymore. You most certainly grew. In more ways than one." He said. I growled and got a glance from Temari who then smacked him on the head with her fan. "I suggest you watch yourself. Eyes are watching and they don't take to kindly to your gestures of flirtation." She said.
He glanced back and me and spun on his heels. "She dating you, squirt?"He asked. "Come on. You can do better, Muku. I'm here now. Don't let this kid hold ya back." He said. I looked at her and got a nod in response. Without second thought, I swept him off his feet with a low kick and threw a kunai next to his head.
"Keep your comments to yourself." I growled, running my fingers through my hair. "Muku. Was that needed?" Temari asked. "Yes. It's about time someone other than us put him in his place." Gaara said. I watched Azamuku bound over to Gaara and hug him. "Frowning doesn't fit you. Smile." She said poking the corners of his mouth.
"No." He said, glaring at her. His glare gave me chills and almost sent fear throughout my body. How was she not afraid of him? She pouted then stood on her tip toes and whispered something to him. I saw the corners of his mouth twitch as she whispered. A few seconds later he had broke into laughter which apparently was a shock to his siblings. "It's been a while since I've seen him even smile. How did you get a laugh?" Temari asked.
"I've known him for forever. When you're someone's only friend, you tend to know more about that person. Even more than family." Azamuku said. "I'm glad you still know how to smile, big brother." She said. "Thank you, Muku. And stop calling me that. I'm only older by a year." He said, crossing his arms once more. "So? You're still older." She said, giggling.
I had never seen her like this. This new side of her reminded me of Naruto but more tolerable. "So. Who are they?" Gaara asked, nodding to us three. "Oh! Right. I'm sorry. I got so excited I didn't introduce everyone." Azamuku said, embarrassed."Guys. This is my second family. Gaara, Temari, and....." She paused looking at Kankuro.
"Eh. He's Kankuro. But that's not relevant." She said shrugging. "Why you little..." He said, getting up. "You may be older, but don't underestimate my strengths, Kankuro. I've improved far beyond what that puny brain of yours can comprehend." She said, tapping his forehead. "Puny! WHY YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He said, getting heated.
"You're not so tough! Never have been!" He said. "I bet you still can't land a single hit on me!" He said, unaware. "Hasn't your mother taught you anything? Respect your elders." He said, crossing his arms. The entire mood of the area changed as she glared at him out the corner of her eye.Everyone took several steps away from her as she opened her mouth to speak. "I'm sorry. What was that?" She said. Her words were chilling and even Gaara had a look of terror on his face.
"What? Are you deaf now, too? Geez. Along with being short, you're now deaf. I said, I know your mom taught you about respecting your elders." He said, laughing. It was clear everyone but him knew of the event. I activated my sharingan to see if I could predict what she was about to do and in the blink of an eye, she had moved and launched Kankuro through several trees. "So fast. I couldn't even see her." I said to myself, deactivating my sharingan.

Fire style: Burning Love Jutsu
FanfictionIt's placement day! A day where everyone gets put into a team of 3 and are able to call themselves ninja. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura are put together only to find out that a transfer student is added on, unexpectedly. She's beautiful and comes off a...