"Muku!" Temari shouted. "Gaara is going to kill you! What is that!?" She asked pointing to Azamuku's neck. "And why do you look like you were mauled by a tiger!" She asked. "Those would both be my fault." I said, raising my hand. "We were left alone last night in Konaha. I may have gotten carried away." I said, smirking. "Gaara's going to get carried away with you." She said, just as his door opened. "I pray for you, Sasuke." Temari said, running to the kitchen. "I heard Muku's name. Is she here?" He asked, walking down the stairs.
Azamuku ran and hugged him, giggling. "It's good to see you again." He said, almost smiling until his fingers ran over the raised marks. "Azamuku... What is this?" He asked, looking at her back. He then caught sight of her neck and stomach. The air in the room got thick as Kankuro scooted over to me. "Run." He said. Without a second thought, I ran out the front door. "Sasuke!!!!" He shouted. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I said, running. "Gaara!!!" I heard Azamuku call. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Gaara shouted, a violent growl in his voice.
"Stop!!!! Leave him alone!" Azamuku called, running after us. I saw mounds of sand fly passed me as I ran. "He's really trying to kill me!" I said to myself. I felt a heavy thud hit my back, knocking me to the ground, forcing all my air from my lungs. "I told you!" He snarled, sand wrapping around my body. "GAARA! STOP!" Azamuku screamed, running up to him and jumping in front of him. "I told you I'd kill you if you touched her!" He snarled.
"Gaara!" She said, crying. "Stop it!" She screamed. She stopped then grabbed his hand and put it around her throat. "If you kill him, you HAVE to kill me." She said, glaring. "He touched you." Gaara said, glaring at her. "I asked for it! I wanted it!" She said. "And if I'm to marry him, I should be free to do as I please with my body!" She screamed. "I'm not a little girl anymore! You have to trust me! I know what I'm doing!" She said. He looked down at her, his expression immediately softening. I felt the sand let go of me and lower me to the ground while he also removed his hand from her throat.
"You're right." He said. She ran to me and knelt down. "I'm fine. I promise." I said. "I'm sorry, Muku. I just get so protective of you because I always see you as the little girl I grew up with." He said. "You're not a little girl anymore. I see that now. I really should give you the space you deserve." He said, walking over to me. "Sasuke... I apologize." He said. "You're going to make her a very happy woman." He said, helping me up. "And..." He said. "I am happy to call you my brother in law." He told me.
"Sasuke. I would like to take you to the training field. There's something I want to try with you." She said. "Gaara. You can come if you want." She told him. He nodded, just as curious as I was. We ran to the training grounds. "So. You went for training." Gaara started. "But you look no different. And I don't sense an increase in your chakra." He said. Azamuku looked at me and grinned. We reached the empty area, and stood next to each other. "You wanna know what training we went through?" She asked him.
He stood there, staring. Temari and Kankuro followed almost as if on cue. We both stood, smiling and grinning. The seal on my neck began to spread across my body. It coated my skin entirely, my hair growing longer and greying a bit. I watched Gaara's expression, him seeming unphased yet intrigued. I grinned then looked over at Azamuku, nodding. Her seal began to spread, following a similar pattern to mine. Her eyes darkened to a grey which made her lavender irises seem to glow in contrast. Her hair grew a bit longer and darkened a bit. Her entire body was mirroring mine, being a dull gray color. She inhaled deeply and rolled her head in a circle.
"So this is what it feels like." She said, her voice hauntingly beautiful. "Forgot one thing." She said. From her back, giant wings sprouted, and flexed themselves. "That's better." She said, grinning. "This is what it feels like to hold this much power in one body." She said. Even in this form, she was sexy as hell. I pushed my wings out and rolled my shoulders a bit. "That felt weird." I said. "It feels great!" She said, running her hands through her hair. "Sasuke. I want to show you what I had planned." She said.
I looked at her and watched her form a hand seal, all her fingers overlapping each other at the knuckles except her index fingers which formed a triangle and her thumbs which rested on the sides of her hands. I copied her and immediately felt a sense of power. Her body glowed a thick purple, manifesting her chakra as mine copied. I didn't know what was happening but almost as if I was reading her mind, I followed her movements on my own. We both took off into the air, hovering over the field.
A larger projection of ourselves appeared on the ground, back to back. The illusions moved around the training area weaving in and out of the mannequins in a confusion pattern before coming together and sinking into the ground as a field of chakra. I grabbed her hand in mine, and formed a seal. "Dance of Two Souls." We chimed as the ground lit up then exploded, shredding each mannequin. We landed on the ground, allowing our seals to retract back into themselves. "Bravo. That was a beautiful work of art." Deidara said, clapping and landing next to the destruction.
"I've been working on that for a while. I was hoping that it went as planned since we couldn't practice it until we were sent to training." Azamuku said. "Did it work?" Gaara asked. "Perfectly." She said, smiling. "Who else is hungry?" Temari piped up. "Do you ever stop eating?" I asked. "Mmm. Nope." She said, walking away. I saw Azamuku roll her eyes and chuckle before following after.

Fire style: Burning Love Jutsu
FanfictionIt's placement day! A day where everyone gets put into a team of 3 and are able to call themselves ninja. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura are put together only to find out that a transfer student is added on, unexpectedly. She's beautiful and comes off a...