Meeting Lucas

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I sat in that cold cage for hours.

Who is Lucas and when is he going to show up? Is he going to hurt me? Is he going to kill me? I was terrified.

I was sitting in a fetal position on the bed staring at the floor when I heard footsteps from a distance. I got up and walked to the cage door.

I was expecting a man to show up, but it was that woman again.

"I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself before. My name is Marguerite. I am Jack's wife and Lucas' mom. Lucas is not ready to see you. I have dinner for you," she said before sliding a tray of something through a gap at the bottom of the door.

I picked up the tray and looked at the shit on it. I set it on the ground and slid it back.

"I don't want it," I said quickly.

She started shouting, "YOU don't want it! I made it special for YOU!" as she stormed out of the hallway. I heard a door slam somewhere in the distance.

I walked back over to the bed and lied down.

I was there for another hour or so before I heard more footsteps. I didn't move or turn to look at the door.

"Hello, my name is Lucas," a male said from behind me with an even thicker accent than Marguerite.

"Please let me go," I whispered.

"I don't want to let you go. I want to keep you here with me," he said.

I could hear him unlock the door. I heard it squeal open and shut again. I heard him lock it. Then, he sat on the bed next to me.

I felt a hand reach over and touch my hair. I had tears running down my face. I began sobbing.

He said, "don't cry. I'm not going to hurt you unless you do something very bad."

I sat up and looked at him. He was thin and wore an oversized LSU hoodie. He put a bony finger under my eye and wiped away my tears.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"[y/n]," I said quietly.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said.

I felt my face get hot.

"I'm engaged..." I said. "My fiancé will know something is wrong when I don't call him. He'll call the police."

"I'm not worried about the police," he said sternly. "And don't talk about your fiancé. You're not engaged anymore."

He grabbed my hand very hard and pulled my engagement ring off my hand. He shoved it in his pocket and I knew I was never going to see it again.

"What do you people want with me?" I asked.

"You are my girlfriend," he said with a creepy smile on his face.

He got up and pulled a dog collar out of his hoodie pocket. He reached over to put it around my neck, but I started squirming and I jumped up. I tried to keep out of his grip, but he pushed me against the wall, hard.

I was trying to get my breath back when he put the collar around my neck. He took a lock out of his pocket and clicked it shut on the clasp of the collar.

Lastly, he pulled a leash out of the pocket and attached it to the collar. Once again he pulled out a lock and locked them together.

He opened the door to the cell and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked for the same amount of time as with Jack, but this time I was able to see everything. We reached the gate that I passed through hours ago and walked into the house. He led me through several hallways and stairways.

We finally got to a room and he pulled me through the doorway. He made me sit on the bed and he replaced the leash with a chain.

I was chained to the bed with no way out of it.

He left the room for a few minutes and returned with another tray of shit.

"I already told your mother that I do not want any of that," I snapped.

"Well, you are going to hurt her feelings if you don't try it," he said. "I don't particularly like it myself, but I eat it for her."

He handed me the tray and I grabbed a piece. I gave it a quick sniff and started gagging. It smelled putrid.

"I...I can't eat this," I gagged. "I'll vomit."

"Fine. I'll flush it and tell her you ate it, but you're going to have to eat it when we all eat together," he said.

He left the room and returned without the tray.

"I'm sure you're terrified. I understand. I want to make you as comfortable with me and my family and I possibly can," he said.

I just sat there. I still had tears running down my face. I wish I could just hug Josh. I never knew how much I could miss his warm body.

I lied down on the bed and Lucas did the same. He was laying right behind me and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Goodnight," he said. "Hopefully, tomorrow goes better."

"I'm sure it won't," I said before drifting off to sleep.

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now