Help Lucas

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After many hours of just talking, I eventually said, "um, I have too pee."

"I'll go see if it's safe," he said. Keep this control up here and don't open the door until I say it's okay."

I was so scared. I grabbed the lamp with the button after he pushed it. He got to the bottom of the ladder and I pushed the button to close it.

I waited and waited. My nerves were so shaken. I was terrified that Lucas wasn't going to come back and that somehow Jack was going to get up here.

I heard a crash right below me. I heard shouting and more crashes.

"Lucas, where is she?" Jack asked.

"You don't need to know," Lucas said.

"Come on boy," Jack said. "Don't piss me off."

"She's in the old house in the crawlspace," Lucas said. "But leave her alone! She wasn't feeling good. She did nothing wrong."

"She upset your mother, which pisses me off," he said as he started on his way to the old house. After a few minutes, Lucas came into the bedroom and said, "[y/n], you can open up. He is on his way to the old house."

I pushed the button and the ladder began to lower. I was about to step down when Jack stepped into the bedroom.

"Now I'm really pissed off," he said.

I screamed and crawled back up. Lucas climbed quickly, but Jack caught his foot and pulled him down.

"Shut it [y/n]!" Lucas shouted. "Stay up there no matter what!"

"Lucas!" I screamed.

I heard Jack drag Lucas out of the room. I didn't know what to do.

"No dad! C'mon!" He shouted, getting farther and farther away until I couldn't hear him anymore.

I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just stay in the attic forever.

I put the ladder down, climbed down, put it back up, and hid the lamp in the room.

Before I stepped out of the room, I peeked around the corner and looked down the hallway. I couldn't see or hear anything, so I quietly crept out into the hallway and walked around until I was outside on the balcony.

I heard footsteps and I froze. Jack was in the hallway walking around. There was no sign of Lucas. I slowly walked in the other direction, afraid Jack would walk outside and see me.

Where was Lucas? Where would Jack take him? Was he okay? He has to be close or else Jack wouldn't be guarding this hallway...

I snuck into the recreation room from the outside entrance and I tiptoed over to the hallway door and closed it.

I heard Jack going toward the kid's bedroom where I just came from and he said," [y/n], I know your up there. I'll get you sooner or later. If you come down now, I'll go easy on ya!"

I looked at the little room connected to the recreation room. I went over and peeked inside. Lucas was lying in the bed in there. He was covered in blood. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now