Game Time

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"Ethan is smart, Lucas. I'm getting worried!" I exclaimed. "Your tests might not be enough.."

"Sweetheart!" Lucas shouted, causing me to jump. "Ethan will not survive my tests."

I just looked away from him, toward the ground. I glanced back at the monitor, at Ethan, and bit my lip.

"Lucas, he got this far!" I exclaimed. "He got into the main hall, he got through the basement, and for fucks sake, he got past your parents!"

I saw a flash of worry cross his face briefly before he slammed his fist down on the table. "I'm smarter than them! There is no way he will make it past my traps!"

"I'm pregnant!" I screamed. "We shouldn't even risk it!"

"You think I don't know that?!" He shouted, causing me to tear up. "Oh come on, baby! Don't cry.."

I wiped my sleeve across my face. Suddenly, Lucas shouts, "ooo, you have got a good eye!"

I was confused for a moment before I realized he was talking to Ethan. Ethan saw an explosive tripwire Lucas had planted and disarmed it. It seemed to give Lucas a thrill, but it only worried me more.

"Anyway, babe. I have been in contact with....people....about a possible escape if things do go bad," he tried to reassure me.

Once again, Ethan disarmed an explosive. Lucas laughed and said, "careful now— they bite back!"

Not even two seconds later, as I was about to say something, Lucas yelled into the mic, "yeah, sorry about the mess."

"Lucas, I think we should save this conversation for later," I said, impatiently. "You keep interrupting me."

Lucas kept watching Ethan on the monitor. This was Lucas' moment. I completely understood how excited he was.

"Ethan, that is not what I put those things there for," Lucas said in a cute way.

"Ethan! I guess I'm gonna have to step up my game!" Lucas yelled after Ethan evaded yet another tripwire.

Lucas turned to me and kissed me.

"I have to go," he said. "Ethan is at the keypad. I need to meet him there. Watch me on the monitor!"

I sat in his chair and watched the screens as Lucas rushed down to greet him.

When Lucas made it to the wire door between him and Ethan, he slammed against it and said, "I know—fucking passwords, right? Hmm, why don't you try 0814."

As Ethan was about to press the buttons, Lucas shouted, "no-no-no-no-no! 0621. No-no-no-no-no, it's 0514. Well, come on. Take a chance, you never know."

Ethan put in the code. Lucas began saying, "tick, tock" over and over as he walked away. Suddenly, a giant pendulum with spears swung down to impale Ethan, but he got out of the way just in time.

Lucas came bursting into the camera room. He stood behind me and focused on the screens.

"He didn't die?!" He shouted in my ear, causing me to flinch. "How could he have avoided it?!"

I just stayed silent. I knew it was better this way. Lucas pushed a button on the desk causing a hidden passageway to open for Ethan.

Ethan went down the hall and collected ammo and supplies, avoiding the traps. "He even knows which crates are bombs," he said in disbelief.

"This is exactly why I wanted to be out of here already.." I said quietly, almost under my breath. "He is smart, Lucas. You have to accept that."

"No," he said. "He's not as smart as me. I will be the winner in this game."

I shook my head and lowered it, "I sure hope you are right."

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now