The Last Family Dinner

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We were just about to start eating when Ethan woke up. He was still in and out of consciousness.

When he completely woke up and looked around, Lucas threw food at him.

Marguerite looked at Ethan and said, "rise and shine, sleepyhead. It's time for supper."

"Who are you people?" Ethan asked. "Where's Mia?"

Marguerite slammed her hand down in front of him, smiled, and said, "eat it, its good!"

"Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" Lucas yelled as he threw his plate of food at Ethan.

Ethan flinched and Marguerite said, "Lucas!"

Jack grabbed Lucas' arm and slammed it on the table.

Lucas shouted, "goddamn, old man. Not again."

Jack grabbed his knife and cut Lucas' arm off. It didn't surprise me. I was quite used to it at that point. Ethan on the other hand, looked like he was going to vomit. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Get out of the way, Marguerite," Jack said as he walked around the table to Ethan.

"Come here, boy," Jack said as he grabbed a piece of food. "Let's do this."

He started pushing the food toward Ethan's mouth.

"Come on," Jack said quietly. He shoved the food into Ethan's mouth, but Ethan spit it out. He was gagging and coughing.

Marguerite immediately started screaming, "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! He's not eating it Jack! He's not eating it!"

"Shut the hell up, Marguerite!" Jack shouted.

"I made that for him!" Marguerite immediately responded.

"Get the hell out of here!" Jack yelled at Marguerite, knocking a chair over in the process.

She looked at Ethan and screamed, "you're a son of a bitch!" She started stomping out of the room while shouting to herself, "I can't believe it, you son of a bitch, he's not eating it!" She slammed the door on her way out.

Jack turned back to Ethan, picked up the food, and said, "this was supposed to be a very special feast."

He picked up his knife and said, "come here, boy."

He took the knife and began cutting up Ethan's mouth. Ethan shouted and Jack pulled away.

"Come on now," Jack said under his breath. He was about to cut some more when the doorbell rang.

"Goddammnit. I bet it's the cop's again," Lucas said while he got up.

"Goddamn pigs!" Jack said.

I just sat there unsure of what to do.

Jack looked at Ethan and said, "I'm coming back for you." He started walking toward the door and said, "c'mon now, [y/n]," as he walked through the door.

I quickly got up and left the room. I shut the door behind me and I went off to find Lucas. I was extremely uncomfortable. I needed Lucas. My walk turned into a run. I ran to the door. He wasn't there. Where was he?

"Lucas?" I shouted. No response. "Lucas?!"

I had tears in my eyes. I hated how desperate Eveline made me for Lucas.

A few moments later, Jack was walking through the main hall, carrying the Cerberus heads. He was going to hide them. He walked out of the main hall into the hallway toward the kitchen.

I ran up to the recreation room. Nothing.

I ran over to the kid's room and attic. Nothing.

I looked in the bathroom. Nothing.

I was beginning to get paranoid. What if something happened to him? The thought made my skin crawl.

I got a rush of adrenaline and I ran out into the upper level of the main hall and I jumped over the banister. I landed on the bottom floor and I felt my leg snap. It didn't seem that far, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding him.

Before I could go anywhere, I heard a loud crash coming from the adjacent hallway. I could hear Jack's taunts. "Ethan! You think you could just slip out before supper?" Did Ethan escape?

I stood up and limped all the way downstairs. I could feel my leg healing as I reached the bottom. I searched every room and passage in the basement. I got to the butcher room and went to the room on the side. I opened the heavy metal door and I instantly calmed down.

"Lucas!" I shouted, hugging him. "I was looking everywhere for you!"

"I'm here baby! I was wondering why you didn't come with me when I left," he said.

"I didn't know what to do," I explained. "I didn't want to offend your mom or dad."

"That's okay," he said. "You're here now."

He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me lightly. It was the sweetest moment between us.

"So what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Well, I'm setting something up for our house guest," he said.

"Oh," I said.

Not long after that, the door slammed open. Jack walked in with a dead cop on his shoulder.

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