The Next Day

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I wanted to believe it was all just a dream and I would wake up at 1 am next to Josh in our warm, soft bed and I would be getting ready to leave.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. When I woke up, I felt an arm around my waist, but it was not Josh's. It was definitely Lucas'.

I laid there for several minutes with my eyes closed. I was not ready to face what this day would bring for me.

I felt him stir and I turned to look at him.

"Good mornin' sleepin' beauty," he said in a raspy voice.

I just stared at him.

"Don't be like that, baby," he said and put his arm on my leg which I shook off.

He got up and left the room. I waited a few minutes and he came back.

"Lucas?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I need to use the restroom," I said.

"Of course!" He said. He grabbed the key and unchained me from the wall and walked me to the bathroom.

I went in and he locked the door from the outside. I did my business and sat there for a few extra minutes.

I knew one thing for sure. Lucas was smart. I wasn't going to get out of here easy, if at all. It was going to take planning or luck.

I got up and informed him that I was ready. He opened the door and led me back to the room.

"Get dressed," he said.

I was about to ask him what I was supposed to put on when I saw my suitcases. I put on some black yoga pants and a purple sweater.

When I was ready, he put the leash back on and we walked down to the dining room.

There was an old woman there who I assumed was Lucas' grandmother. Marguerite was in the kitchen making her "food." I didn't know where Jack was.

Lucas locked my leash to a chair that was bolted to the floor by the dinner table. I sat down and the old woman turned her head and stared at me. I looked at her and she gave me a chill. She had the creepiest eyes.

After several minutes, Marguerite brought in a plate with eggs and something that looked like sausage but smelled otherwise. I knew that I had to eat whatever it was on my plate, but my stomach started churning.

"Excuse me," I said softly. "Can I have a glass of water?"

"Oh dear, of course!" She said while rushing to the kitchen to get water.

I started eating the eggs which didn't taste bad at all. When she brought my water in, I took a bite out of the unknown. It was awful. I quickly washed it down with the water. I quickly finished it and chugged the water.

"How was it dear?" Marguerite asked when I was finished.

"It was good, thank you," I said with a smile.

She took my plate and I waited while Lucas finished his. When he was finished, he decided he was going to show me around the entire property.

We walked through the guest house, old house, green house, main house, and finally went back to the testing area where we slept. He chained me to the bed and then took his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" I asked shakily.

"I'm horny, baby," he said.

"I'm not ready," I said quietly.

I could see his frustration. He put his sweatshirt back on and got in my face.

"When are you gonna be ready? NEVER!" He shouted. "You're never gonna be ready."

He walked out of the room and slammed the door. I flinched.

I decided to take a nap because I didn't have much more to do.

"Hey baby," I said as I walked into the house.

"Hey, sugarplum," Josh said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I miss you," I said with tears running out of my eyes.

"I miss you too," he said before he kissed my forehead. "Where are you?"

"My GPS cut out and I made a wrong turn. I was kidnapped by this freaky, redneck, backwoods family. I was forced to become the son's girlfriend."

"So you're cheating on me?" He asked as his face was getting red.

"No! I can't do anything about it!" I shouted in defense. "Quit being irrational."

"I'm being irrational? I think I'm reacting pretty normally!" He screamed. "You know what, stay there! I hope you are happy with that freak!"

"I started tearing up. "No, Josh. Don't say that...I love you, not him. I just want to get out of here," I said.

"Goodbye, wake up," he said. "Wake up."

I opened my eyes and Lucas was standing over me with worry on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No," I sad.

"Well, it's about time for dinner," he said. "Get dressed again."

I got dressed and we headed to the dining room. Everyone was sitting around the table and they were waiting for us. We sat down and everyone began eating. There was not much conversation.

When we were all done, we silently excused ourselves and we went back to the bedroom. I laid in bed while he was working on one of his "projects" as he called them. I was crying again. I just wanted to go home and that dream made me even more homesick.

He came back and crawled in behind me. He pulled me against him again.

"I'm sorry I got pissed off. I've just been very frustrated lately. You're the first woman I've been with and I got a bit excited," he admitted. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Lucas," I said before closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.

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