Please Eveline

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Lucas' POV

"Baby! No!" I yelled. I dropped to my knees next to her. I put pressure on the wound, but it was too severe. She was gargling on her own blood. "Please don't leave me! I need you!"

I looked at the pig. He was unconscious on the ground.

"Dad! I want him alive!" I shouted. "He's gonna fuckin' pay!"

"Alright, son," Jack said. "I'll lock him away until your ready for him."

He walked away and mom came over.

"Do you need anything honey?" She asked.

"Just go away please," I said. "I need privacy."

"Okay," she said before rushing off to the kitchen.

I've never cried until this moment. I punched the floor over and over until my hand was completely busted up.

I used my good hand to stroke her face. "It's gonna be okay, baby," I said.

Then, a thought popped into my head. Eveline might help her.

I picked her up and I carried her into the dining room. Eveline wasn't there.

"Mom, where's Evie?" I asked.

"In her room maybe?" She said.

I turned around and carried her back the way we came, into the main hall, up the stairs, and into Eveline's room. She was sitting there in her wheelchair staring into the distance.

"Evie," I said. "Could you help her?"


"Evie," he said. "Please, if you have to take my gift and give it to her, do it! Please keep her alive."

There was a flash and Evie was a little girl again.

"You don't want the gift I gave you?" She asked.

"I do, but I want [y/n] to be alive and healthy," I said.

"As long as you like my gift, I'll help her," she said.

"You will?" I asked. It seemed as if there would be a catch.

"Yes, I like her," she said.

All of a sudden, the lights went out and Evie giggled.

[y/n] gasped. She sat up in my arms and put her arms around my neck.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked.

"It hurts," she said. "It hurts s-so fucking bad."

"I love you," I said. "I thought I wasn't gonna get a chance to say it to you again."

"I love you too," she said weakly.

"Alright," I said while picking her up and heading to the bedroom. "You're gonna rest until your better."

I helped her change into clean clothes and laid her in bed. I pulled the blanket over her and threw her bloody clothes away.

I kissed her on the head and left the room. My injured hand, now almost fully healed, was clenched into a fist. I was going to beat the shit out of that pig and make him wish dad had killed him.

He was strapped down to a table in my testing area with duct tape over his mouth. I wasn't going to hide in a room in front of a camera this time. This was personal.

I turned the lights on and got my knife out.

He started stirring and I slammed my hand on the table. He opened his eyes and started squirming.

"Alright, I'm gonna get straight to the point. Your partner tried to take an adult woman away from her home without her permission. She tried to defend herself, which I admit ended tragically. But the WORST PART is that you didn't even give her a chance to listen to you before you shot her!"

I punched him in the gut. Then, I took the knife and cut a chunk of skin out of his arm. He started screaming through the tape.

"How could you shoot her?!" I screamed. "She would have cooperated with you!"

I punched him again and cut another chunk of skin out of his leg. He continued trying to scream. I pulled the tape off of his mouth. He screamed. "You made her eat your bullets, and I'm gonna make you eat your own flesh"

I shoved the chunks of flesh I cut off of him into his mouth and put my hand over it to make him chew and swallow.

Then, I grabbed some pliers and I began ripping his fingernails out. He started screaming again.

I began to get bored so I went and heated up a pot of water to boiling. I carried it into the room and I dumped it onto him. His skin started burning off and he was screaming and squirming. I took the knife and plunged it right into his leg and then I left him there. I thought I'd let him die a slow death.

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