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I woke up in the morning and Lucas wasn't beside me. I looked on the table beside the bed and there was a note:

Good morning! I'm working on something, but I'll check in -Lucas


I sat up and put some comfy pants on and searched through my bag. I found a book that I had brought with me. I read about a chapter and a half before he came back.

"Good mornin'," he said. "How did you sleep?"

"Good morning. Pretty good..you?" I asked.

"Not very good. I've been up for hours," he said.

"That sucks," I said under my breath. Then I asked, "Lucas? Do I have to eat breakfast this morning? I'm not feeling good."

"I'll tell my mom. She'll understand...I hope," he said, unsuccessfully trying to hide the doubt.

He took me to the bathroom and then we returned to the bedroom. He left me there and went to eat breakfast.

Several minutes later, I heard a very loud bang. I was wondering what it came from when the bedroom door slammed open and Jack was standing there.

"You think you are gonna miss a nice family meal?" He said. "I don't think so."

He rushed over to the bed and ripped the chain out of the wall. He was pulling me through the testing area and I was fighting back. He yanked the chain and I lost my balance, falling flat on my face. I grabbed my face, but he continued pulling me.

He was dragging me around bends and down stairs. When we got down to the exit, I saw where the bang game from. He had kicked the door open, but the door was a sturdy metal door which had to have taken a great amount of force.

He pulled me across the yard and onto the porch. My face hit every step and I was starting to lose consciousness, but I held on because I was terrified of what they would do while I was out.

When we reached the dining room, Lucas shouted," Dad no! Leave her alone!" He pushed Jack into the wall. Jack grabbed Lucas by the throat and pinned him against the wall. He grabbed a knife off the table and cut Lucas' hand off.

I screamed and passed out.

Several hours later:

I woke up and I was laying on a love seat. I looked up and I saw Lucas on a computer.

I weakly sat up and cleared my throat.

Lucas turned around and rushed to me. "Hey baby! Are you okay?" He asked while sitting next to me.

"What happened? Why do you still have a hand?" I asked.

"There is something I've been hiding from you, but I can't tell you because it will make someone very angry," he explained.

"I deserve some kind of explanation! Your dad kicked that door open and ripped my chain right out of the wall!" I shouted with more tears coming out of my eyes. "Plus my head is pounding because he dragged me from the bed to the dining room!"

"I know, and I'll explain it in time. Right now isn't a good time," he said.

"Okay...Where are we and how did I get in here?" I asked.

"We are in the attic above my old bedroom. As long as I have the control, they cannot get in here," he said as he showed me the lamp with the button on it. "And I carried you up here."

"You carried me all the way up to the attic?" I asked.

"Yes, it was very difficult. My dad was chasing me," he said.

Thank you for saving me from your dad," I said quietly. Then, I leaned over and hugged him.

He was shocked for a moment, but then hugged me back.

"You're welcome," he said.

Before pulling away I kissed him on the cheek. He kissed me back on the cheek. I moved closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"How long do we have to stay up here," I asked. "We are gonna starve or dehydrate."

"I don't know," he said.

"Why can't you tell me what's going on?" I asked. "Whatever it is must already be pissed off.."

"It's not a what. It's a who. Her name is Eveline.." he said.

"Who's Eveline?" I asked.

"The old lady," he said. "She has powers. She calls them gifts. She infected us when my dad pulled her out of a crashed boat and brought her here. She was with a woman named Mia. Eveline keeps calling us her family. Anything could piss her off. She turned my family insane. She controls them. She makes them do terrible things. I have a sister who managed to escape Eveline. She's on the farm hiding somewhere."

"You said that the old lady, Eveline, is controlling them? Is she controlling you? Is that why you keep me hostage?" I asked.

I obviously hurt him. He said, "I keep you here because you are the first thing I've ever cared for. I just want you to feel the same way. I may be a 'bad seed' as some have said, but you make me feel like a different person."

"I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't realize you cared for me that much," I said as I wrapped my arm around his stomach.

"It's okay," he said.

"Now back to my question. Is she controlling you?" I asked.

"No," he said quickly.

"How?" I asked.

"I've been in contact with an important corporation. They sent me a serum to counteract her control," he said.

"And why do you have a hand?" I asked.

"That is part of Eveline's gifts. I have body regeneration. My dad has cut my hand off more times than I can count since Eveline has been here. I really don't want to go back to the way things were before..." he explained.

"You don't want your family back? We could all live happily here..." I said. "You don't need body regeneration if there is no one to harm you."

"I don't know if it's that easy," he said. "Eveline is very dangerous."

"Oh," I said.

I didn't know what to say so I just kept my head on his shoulder and we sat there together for a while.

Stockholm Syndrome (Twisted Lucas Baker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now